[Abstract]:RNA exonucleases, a large family of nucleases that modify RNA, play an important role in many life processes. On the one hand, RNA exonucleases can regulate RNA abundance by degrading excess RNA and thereby monitor RNA metabolism. At the same time, some RNA precursors also require cleavage of RNA exonucleases to form. Mature bodies. Dis312 is an RNA exonuclease present in higher eukaryotes and plays an important role in RNA degradation. It degrades mononucleotides one by one from 3'to 5'. Dis312 is located in the cytoplasm and is genetically associated with some molecules involved in RNA degradation pathways in the cytoplasm. For example, mouse embryonic stem cells. Dis312 inhibits the expression of let-7 microRNAs by degrading ureaylated pre-let-7. Human Dis312 mutations can lead to Perlman syndrome, overgrowth and Wilm's tumors. Other studies have shown that Dis312 selectively degrades ureaylated RNA molecules, which can be inhibited by adenylated RNA molecules. Functional and catalytic properties are continually reported, and many research groups are also working on the structural biology of Dis312. In 2014, the structure of the mouse Dis312-RNA complex (PDB sequence number 4pmw), the structure of the Rrp44-RNA complex (PDB sequence number 2nvu) and the structure of the RNase II-RNA complex (PDB sequence number 2ix1) have been released. All have similar conformations: three OB-folded domains (CSD1, CSD2, and S1) are located on one side of the catalytic RNB domain, forming the entrance of the RNA molecular channel from which the RNA substrate enters the interior of the RNB domain and reaches the active site for catalytic RNA degradation. For example, the channels formed by the three OB folding domains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rrp44 are narrower than those of Dis312, because the flexible loop of CSDs is more closely spaced between the RNB and S1 domains, presenting a closed state; and in the mouse's Dis312-RNA complex, the three OBs fold. The orientation of the domain forms a peculiar funnel-shaped channel that makes the RNA channel more straight and open. The structure of the mouse Dis312-RNA complex first elucidates the way Dis312 acts as an exonuclease and RNA substrate, which explains why Dis312 selectively binds to the uridine chain. In order to further reveal the catalytic mechanism of Dis312, the structure of 2.3A fission yeast Dis312 without RNA substrates, the orientation of CSDs and the CSDs in mouse Dis312-RNA complex structure were analyzed. The alignment varies greatly from side to side of the RNB domain and away from the entrance of the RNA channel above the RNB domain. Similar differences also occur in the comparison of the RNA complexes of two homologues, namely, DIS 312 and Rrp44, and RNAse II, which do not contain RNA. The results of fluorescence polarization experiments also showed that RNB and S1 were involved in the binding of the whole enzyme to RNA molecules, and CSDs were also involved in the binding process. The results of the mutant binding experiments suggest that a significant conformational change may occur in Dis312 due to RNA binding. At present, only mice have been able to identify the structure of Dis312-RNA. This work has identified the first crystal structure of Dis312 that does not contain RNA. In addition, the structure of Dis312-RNA in Schizosaccharomyces cerevisiae has been analyzed synchronously to explore Di. The conformational changes of S312 before and after binding RNA. Due to the low resolution of the complex diffraction data, only three-fourths of the peptide chains (excluding CSDs) were determined in the final structure of the complex. However, it was found that the electron density of RNB and S1 domains in the existing complex structure models was in good agreement with the model. The information provided by the existing complex model and electron density, as well as the structure model of the cleavage yeast Dis312, showed that Dis312 exhibited a relatively open state before binding RNA, and CSDs were inclined to the side of the RNB domain and aggregated S1. After binding to RNA, CSDs change their position at a certain angle and form clamp-like structures with S1 domain to encapsulate RNA molecules, thus greatly enhancing the affinity of Dis312 to substrate.
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