[Abstract]:Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a molecular marker of evolution because of its maternal inheritance, rapid evolution and less recombination. It has been widely used in molecular evolution, phylogeny, population genetics, comparative and evolutionary genomics. About 700 complete or incomplete mitochondrial genomes can be obtained from GenBank. In order to enrich the mitochondrial genomic data of Lepidoptera insects and further study the mitochondrial genome structure and evolutionary characteristics of Lepidoptera insects, three different families and genera of Lepidoptera, Cerura menciana, were selected in this paper. The mitochondrial genome of Agrius convolvuli and Eligma Narcissus was amplified and sequenced, and the coding genes were annotated. The mitochondrial genome data of other Lepidopteran insects in GenBank were combined with the mitochondrial genome data, including the length of the mitochondrial genome sequence, the content of four bases, and the mitochondrial proteins. The mitochondrial genomes of Lepidoptera insects were compared and analyzed in detail from six aspects: plasmid coding gene, tRNA gene, codon usage preference and control region. The phylogenetic relationships of some Lepidoptera groups were reconstructed based on the whole mitochondrial genome data of Lepidoptera. The total length of mitochondrial genome was 15,369,15,349 and 15,376 bp, respectively. Each mitochondrial genome consisted of 37 genes, including 13 protein coding genes, 22 tRNA genes and 2 rRNA genes, and one A+T enrichment. By comparing the mitochondrial genomic base composition of three Lepidoptera insects, it was found that AT content was significantly higher than GC content, and GC skewness was negative. Among them, AT content was 80.06%, AT content of Sweet Potato Spodoptera was 81.49%, and AT content of Helicoverpa altissima was 80.99%. Apart from the cox1 initiation codon CAG, the other 12 protein-coding genes use ATN as the initiation codon. In addition, most protein-coding genes use TAA and TAG as the termination codon, and a few use incomplete T as the termination codon. 4. The size and size of 22 tRNA genes in the mitochondrial genome of three Lepidopteran insects In addition, except for trns1 (AGN), the other 21 tRNA secondary structures were typical clover structures. However, the secondary structures of 22 tRNA in the mitochondrial genomes of the three Lepidoptera species were typical clover type. 5. Both codon usage and amino acid usage of codon genes were preferred. Codons with higher G and C contents were abandoned more frequently. Amino acids used asparagine (Asn), isoleucine (Ile), leucine (Leu 2) and phenylalanine (Phe) were the most frequently. Cys was the least frequently used in mitochondria of three Lepidopteran insects. The A+T enrichment regions of the body genome were located between rrnS and trnM, and the length and A+T content were 372 BP and 94.35%, 331 BP and 93.35% and 434 BP and 96.54% respectively. Compared with tRNA, PCG and rRNA, the A+T enrichment regions contained the highest AT content. The phylogenetic tree of Lepidoptera was reconstructed by nucleotide sequence analysis. ML (Maximum Likelihood method) method was used to analyze the phylogenetic tree of Lepidoptera. The results showed that the phylogenetic relationships among noctuidae, silkworm moth and wheat moth were close. This was different from previous studies. In this study, the mitochondrial genomes of three Lepidopteran insects, Sagittaria willow, Sweet potato moth and Ailanthus altissima, were determined, annotated and analyzed for the first time, which enriched the mitochondrial genome database of Lepidoptera insects and provided a theoretical basis for future research.
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