
发布时间:2018-10-11 07:52
[Abstract]:Quantum entanglement and quantum rate limit time are very important in quantum informatics. Quantum key assignment, quantum teleportation, quantum search algorithm and other quantum tasks can be realized by using quantum entanglement of this important physical resource. Quantum rate limit time is the shortest time used to characterize the quantum system from the initial state to the target quantum state, which plays an important role in quantum communication, quantum computation and quantum optimal control. Due to the inevitable interaction between the real quantum system and the environment, the quantum entanglement of the quantum system will be destroyed, and the quantum rate limit time of the system also depends strongly on the surrounding environment. Therefore, we study the quantum rate limit time and the dynamic evolution of quantum entanglement in the open quantum system, and find a way to effectively control quantum entanglement and quantum rate limit time, which is a key research subject of quantum informatics. In this paper, we study the quantum entanglement and quantum rate limit time of quantum systems placed in them by using the controllable non-Markov environment of photonic crystals as the research platform, and obtain some innovative research results. The contents of this thesis are as follows: Chapter 1 mainly introduces the background and significance of the thesis. The second chapter mainly introduces the basic theory of photonic crystal related to the content of this paper, including the concept, main characteristics and application of photonic crystal, and mainly introduces the main research methods of the non-Markov dynamic evolution in photonic crystal. The third chapter mainly introduces some basic theories of quantum information, including the concept of quantum entanglement, the measurement of entanglement, the limit time of quantum rate in closed quantum system and the theoretical derivation of quantum rate limit time in the open quantum system. In chapter 4, the entanglement control based on atom trapping is studied in the photonic crystal thermal bank. We use the two-level atoms in the same-sex photonic crystals as the research object, and we mainly study the regulation and regulation of the atom's trapping position on the entanglement evolution between atoms. It is found that the change of the position of atoms in the photonic crystal can transform the entanglement of atoms from the state of entanglement and death to the state of entanglement capture, and can change the distribution of entanglement in each subsystem. The study provides new parameters for the regulation and control of quantum entanglement in photonic crystals, and can guide relevant experimental research. In the fifth chapter, the critical condition of photon-atomic absorption in photonic crystals is studied. The photon-atomic absorption state has important potential application value in quantum information processing. The formation of photon-atom transition states can be used to prepare long-range entanglement between atoms and provide an effective way for constructing quantum networks. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply study the condition equation of photon-atomic absorption in photonic crystals and control it effectively. In this chapter, we have successfully resolved the critical coupling intensity range and forbidden band frequency range of photon-atomic emission state, and we also gave the corresponding experimental verification scheme. The study provides a new idea for the formation and effective regulation of triplet state in photonic crystals. The sixth chapter mainly studies the evolution of quantum rate limit time and the effective regulation of quantum acceleration in photonic crystal environment. Based on the two-level atom in the photonic crystal as the research object, we mainly studied the influence of the trapping position, the gap width and the defect property parameters on the rate limit time, and found that the evolution of the quantum system can be accelerated by the effective regulation of the thermal bank parameters. and the quantum acceleration can be extended to the Markov region outside the forbidden band. Our research not only provides new ideas for effective regulation of rate limit time in photonic crystal environment, but also helps to promote the development of quantum information research based on photonic crystal.


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