[Abstract]:In the past two decades, in order to improve the nonlinear transformation, people have turned their attention to the atomic medium which interacts with the light field, and the quantum coherence of atomic system has been prepared by the cooperation of light and atom to realize the enhancement of nonlinear effect. There are many ways for the interaction between light and atom, such as the efficient frequency conversion of atomic coherence produced by electromagnetic induction transparency process. In the same way, the atomic spin waves are produced by Raman process to realize the quantum coherence of atoms. The atomic spin waves have attracted a lot of attention because of their potential application in quantum information processes. Recently, the atomic spin wave is used as the "seed wave" to participate in the Raman scattering process, which realizes the effective enhancement of Raman frequency conversion. And the Raman conversion is realized in the case of coherent feedback. The conversion efficiency of Stokes field and anti-Stokes field is 50% and 30% respectively. At the same time, the Raman process has the characteristics of high conversion, and has been used in quantum precision measurement. The results are as follows: 1. In the case of low light intensity, we can realize effective Raman frequency conversion by coherent feedback Raman process. We establish and deduce a theoretical model to describe the enhanced Raman process-coherent feedback correlation enhanced Raman scattering (cascade-CERS). This Raman scattering process is performed by injecting atomic spin waves and Stokes light as "seed" light fields, and the atomic spin waves and Stokes light are associated with each other. This process can be repeated continuously, so that the Raman conversion continues to enhance until saturation. Because it's easy to operate, such an enhanced Raman scattering process would be in quantum information, The quantum correlation between light and atomic spin waves can be used to form a SU (1 / 1) hybrid interferometer. In this new type of SU (1t1) optical interferometer, one arm of the interferometer will be replaced by atomic spin waves. In interferometers, phase-sensitive detection includes not only light fields, but also atomic spin waves. For the coherent squeezed state as the input of the phase sensitive field, the phase sensitivity can reach the Heisenberg quantum limit under suitable conditions. We also study the effects of Stokes field propagation loss and the loss of phase sensitivity of atomic spin waves. The optoatomic correlation SU (1t1) hybrid interferometer provides different methods for precise measurement and is an effective supplement to a nonlinear interferometer.
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