
发布时间:2018-11-08 20:54
[Abstract]:Fracture can be seen everywhere in engineering and life. Some unexpected fractures can lead to catastrophic accidents, which requires mechanics workers to use fracture mechanics knowledge to avoid as far as possible. After more than one hundred years' development, many theories on linear elastic fracture and elastic-plastic fracture have been established in fracture mechanics, but there are still some key problems in the field of fracture. In this paper, two of them, the elastic-plastic fracture criterion and the unified failure criterion for brittle members with defects, are studied and explored. The main conclusions are summarized as follows: after crack propagation occurs in elastic-plastic materials, the plastic unloading occurs and the J-integral is no longer applicable, because the strain energy density is not clearly defined. At present, there is no widely accepted and used elastic-plastic crack growth criterion. In view of this problem, a physical quantity similar to J-integral form is derived through strict formulas, and a corresponding fracture criterion with a wide range of applications is proposed. The starting point of the study avoids the controversial definition of energy and studies the power balance in the area surrounded by a fixed and a moving lane, respectively. Define two different energy release rates: crack surface energy release rate (sG) and local energy release rate (LG.) The stress singularity of the fracture tip from the difference between the two causes the material point at the crack tip to undergo a sharp decrease in stress value which is accompanied by the dissipation of kinetic energy. By using the cohesive force model and the fracture criterion based on the energy release rate of the crack surface, a reasonable explanation for the existence of the Rice paradox in ideal elastic-plastic materials for more than 40 years is given. After comparing and discussing several different fracture criteria, it is recommended to use the fracture criterion based on the energy release rate of crack surface (sG) to solve the problem of elastic-plastic crack propagation. The strength criterion and the fracture criterion have their respective application scope. There is a lack of a suitable criterion for the structural failure problems caused by the common V-shaped notch, chamfer and elliptical hole in engineering. In this paper, a unified failure criterion for various shape defects is developed. At first, a basic failure law of members with defects is defined and put forward, which is called the zero law of failure. Then the size limitations of the existing strength criterion and fracture criterion are expounded respectively. A uniform failure criterion for various shape defects is proposed and verified by experiments. This unified failure criterion is a two-parameter function failure criterion. When compared with other single constant failure criteria, it is found that the latter has some problems in some cases, and the former is more reasonable and has wider applicability.


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