[Abstract]:Multi-correlated beams and even multi-component entangled states are very important not only for the verification of quantum effect but also for the future application of quantum technology. They are an important research topic in quantum optics and atomic and molecular physics. It is also an indispensable tool to explore these research directions. Multicomponent entangled states are required for the verification of nonlocality and quantum entanglement, so the preparation of multi-correlated beams and multi-component entangled states is a very important research topic. This paper mainly introduces the following four works: (1) We use coherent modulation locking technique to realize phase locking of a nonlinear interferometer. Compared with the previous locking technology, we mainly have two innovative: (A) locked the relative phase between the three beams of light, the previous two beams of light; (B) locks the internal phase of a nonlinear interferometer. (2) We theoretically discuss the possibility of a three-component entangled state generated by a cascaded four-wave mixing process that is easily realized experimentally. By calculating the covariance matrix of three beams of light and the violation of entanglement criterion, we prove that there are three components of entangled states in the system, such as two-condition entanglement criterion, single-condition entanglement criterion and optimal single-condition entanglement criterion. The partial transpose maintains a positive definite criterion. We also use Duan-Giedke-Cirac-Zoller criterion and partial transpose preserving positive definite criterion to analyze the possible entanglement of two components in the system. We find that two pairs of three-component entanglement and two-component entanglement exist in full gain space. The entanglement properties under different entanglement criteria are discussed in detail. Our results open the way for the realization and application of multicomponent entanglement based on cascaded four-wave mixing process. (3) We characterize the pairwise correlation of multi-correlation beams generated in cascade four-wave mixing process theoretically. In this system, the pairwise quantum correlation can be described by the intensity difference squeezing degree. All pairwise quantum correlations in different cascaded four-wave mixing processes are discussed in detail and their repulsive effects are predicted. We also apply these theoretical predictions to experiments and find that the theory is consistent with the experiment to some extent. Our research opens the way for the classification and application of quantum states in the cascade four-wave mixing process. (4) based on a space-structured four-wave mixing process, we have experimentally realized the one-step integration of multi-mode quantum light sources. During this process, the injected light is amplified and three probe and two idle light are generated simultaneously. The intensity difference compressibility between the four and six light measured is -4.1 卤0.1 dB and -4.7 卤0.1 dB., respectively. The resulting multiple beams are naturally separated in space, which is very important for quantum communication. Our scheme is compact, simple, phase insensitive and easy to integrate into large scale quantum correlation models.
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