
发布时间:2019-01-30 17:07
[Abstract]:Nonlinear eigenvalue problems appear in many fields, such as numerical simulation of quantum dots, calculation of electromagnetic fields, vibration analysis of viscoelastic structures, stability analysis of time-delay systems, and so on. In this paper, the numerical method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems is studied, and the circumferential integral method is applied to determine the stability of n-dimensional time-delay systems. The main innovations are as follows: a successive m-order approximation method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems is proposed. The convergence results of the method are given. In order to solve the large scale polynomial eigenvalue problem generated by the successive m approximation method, an effective successive m order approximation method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems is developed by combining the partial orthogonal projection method for solving the polynomial eigenvalue problems. In order to reduce the computational complexity of the Newton method based on singular value decomposition, the inverse iteration technique is used to calculate the minimum singular value and the corresponding left and right singular vectors in each step, and the improved Newton method is developed. The local quadratic convergence of the improved Newton method is proved. The method of determining the algebraic multiplicity of nonlinear eigenvalue problems in a certain region is studied. The amplitude-angle principle is extended to the case of rational numbers, and a numerical method for finding all eigenvalues and corresponding algebraic multiplicity of nonlinear eigenvalue problems in a certain region is given. In order to calculate all eigenvalues of the polynomial eigenvalue problem in a semi-open plane, based on fractional linear mapping, The relation between all eigenvalues of a polynomial eigenvalue problem in a semi-open plane and all eigenvalues of another polynomial eigenvalue problem in an open disk is established. A method for calculating all eigenvalues of polynomial eigenvalue problems in semi-open plane is presented. For n-dimensional linear multi-delay systems, a numerical method for calculating the eigenvalues at the right end of the system is presented by means of the circumscribed integral method, and a new method for determining the local stability of n-dimensional linear multi-delay systems at the positive equilibrium point is developed. For n-dimensional nonlinear multi-delay Lotka-Volterra systems, a numerical method for determining the local stability of Lotka-Volterra systems at the equilibrium point is presented. The numerical results show that the numerical methods for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems are effective.


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