[Abstract]:In this paper, we study the blow-up of the classical solution of the initial value problem of the Euler-Poisson equations with electric field and the nonexistence of the initial value problem of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the Sobolev space, which contains two parts. In the first part, we consider the initial value problem of complete Euler-Poisson equations with electric field and Euler-Poisson equations with equal entropy. We prove that the classical solution of the initial value problem will burst in finite time if the initial value satisfies certain conditions. Because the Euler-Poisson equations are derived from the coupling of the Euler equations with the gravity field or electric field, the gravity field or electric field is a nonlocal term, which destroys the finite propagation of the compact support set of the density. This makes Sideris [39] prove that the method of blow-up of Euler equations is invalid when dealing with the blow-up of Euler-Poisson equations. Sideris's method contains two key elements, one is the finite propagation of compact support set of density, The other is the estimation of the radial component of momentum. The estimation of radial component of momentum can be replaced by the upper bound estimation of internal energy. Therefore, we need to find a new element to replace the finite propagation of compact set of density. For this problem, we need to overcome two difficulties, one is to estimate the nonlocal term derived from the electric field, and the other is how to prove the explosion when the density does not have a compact support set. The two difficulties are combined. Our approach is to use the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality to deal with the nonlocal term derived from the electric field and then to estimate the upper bound of the internal energy, and to use the Chemin inequality to give the lower bound estimate of the internal energy. Finally, by comparing the coefficients of the upper and lower bounds of the internal energy, it is determined that the smooth solution of the initial value problem of the Euler-Poisson equations with electric field will burst in a finite time under certain conditions. In the second part, the nonexistence of the initial value problem for the complete Navier-Stokes equations with compressible arbitrary dimension and the one-dimensional isentropic Navier-Stokes equations in Sobolev space is studied. Xin Zhouping [45], Cho and Jin [61] prove that if the initial density has compact support, The solution of the initial value problem for the complete Navier-Stokes equations with compressible arbitrary dimension and the one-dimensional isentropic Navier-Stokes equations will burst in a certain Sobolev space. Our work proves that under the condition that the initial density has compact support set, The complete Navier-Stokes equations with compressible arbitrary dimension with heat exchange have no solution in this kind of Sobolev space and the one-dimensional isentropic Navier-Stokes equations have no solution in this kind of Sobolev space under the condition that the initial value satisfies certain conditions. Our approach is to first turn the initial value problem into an initial-boundary value problem for an overdetermined system of integro-differential equations on a bounded domain. Then a proper parabolic or integro-differential operator degenerate along the time derivative is defined and the corresponding Hopf Lemma and strong extremum principle are established.
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