
发布时间:2020-11-13 16:07
   海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%。近年来,随着全球经济的快速发展,世界海运量在不断增加的同时,海上石油泄漏污染的风险也在加大。溢油事故对海洋环境、生态系统和海洋野生动物造成了负面影响。因此,做出及时的应对决策是极其重要和必要的。进行一次真正的海上漏油演习代价高昂,风险很大,而且对环境有害。为了模拟和预测海上溢油的各种特征,有必要建立溢油数值模型,实时三维模拟溢油事故,加强应急人力资源的培训和演练。目前的溢油模型大都是二维模型,不能满足流体模拟的要求。本文针对瞬时溢油的扩散和漂移问题,建立了渤海水动力潮汐模型,同时对海上溢油事故进行了逼真的流体模拟,并应用于渤海溢油事故。本文主要研究内容如下:1)利用Mike 21水流模型和Mike Zero工具,基于ADI方法建立并计算了渤海水动力潮汐模型。根据Leendertse原理,在三角网格上用基向量值的线性插值法确定某一点的流速和流向,并用于渤海各海域的计算,并将计算结果将与观测资料进行比较,以评价该方法的效果。2)基于几何学方法模拟了浮油在风流作用下的运动轨迹。在Fay模型的基础上,利用Lehr的经验研究计算了扩散面积和扩散速度,采用Hoult模型进行漂移扩散。3)当油膜达到最大面积时,提出采用泊松盘算法将浮油渲染成粒子,模拟石油颗粒在波浪、风和水流的作用下运动和扩散。4)根据每次浮油颗粒的三维信息,构造浮油形状函数,绘制浮油表面。采用Metaball方法根据精确计算每个体素中每个角点的函数值,从而确定整个曲面;在油粒子模型的基础上构造等值面的函数;利用Marching Cube方法在三维规则数据域中构造等值面。5)使用Unity Shader逼真地渲染浮油。通过表面着色器,顶点着色器和片段着色器计算法线光,以渲染油膜的光照效果。本文使用泊松盘采样算法创建了不同大小的油粒子,使用Marching Cube算法重建等值面,使油膜呈不规则形状,并且可以随机分散到较小的部分,海上溢油的三维可视化效果较好。
1 Introduction
    1.1 Purpose of choosing the topic
        1.1.1 Review history of oil spills accident
        1.1.2 Policies and law related to offshore oil spills
        1.1.3 The location and importance of oil spill rescue model
    1.2 Influence of wave, wind and tidal current on oil spills
        1.2.1 Two-dimension method
        1.2.2 Three-dimension method
        1.2.3 Hydrodynamic model
    1.3 Research status of mathematical oil spill model at sea
    1.4 Problems of existing methods
    1.5 Main content and structure of the thesis
2 Numerical simulation of tidal current
    2.1 Theory of ocean tidal analysis and prediction
        2.1.1 Introduction
        2.1.2 Analyzing of generating forces
    2.2 Status of calculation and prediction tide model
        2.2.1 Two-dimension model
        2.2.2 Three-dimension model
        2.2.3 Hydrodynamic model
    2.3 Mike Zero/Mike 21 software
        2.3.1 Introduction
        2.3.2 Creating Mesh and Model output
    2.4 Application of Mike 21 Flow Model to simulate the Bohai Sea tidal
        2.4.1 Features of Bohai Sea area
        2.4.2 Method of numerical calculation tidal current model
        2.4.3 Setup of Bohai Sea tidal simulation
        2.4.4 Model verification result
    2.5 Summary
3 Mathematical model of the oil spill at sea
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Overview of the oil spill at sea
        3.2.1 The harm of the oil spill to the ocean environment
        3.2.2 Composition and physicochemical properties of oil products
    3.3 Behavior and fate of the oil spill at sea
        3.3.1 What is the oil spill behavior in water
        3.3.2 Life cycle of oil in the marine environment
        3.3.3 Oil on shore
        3.3.4 Cleanup operation
    3.4 Oil spill modeling
        3.4.1 Spreading
        3.4.2 Drifting
        3.4.3 Evaporation
        3.4.4 Dissolution
        3.4.5 Emulsification
        3.4.6 Synthetic oil spill model
        3.4.7 Oil and obstacle interactions
    3.5 Summary
4 Application of Poisson disk sampling to render oil particle
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Dart throwing
    4.3 Poisson Disk Sampling method
    4.4 Apply Poisson Disk Algorithm on the oil model
    4.5 Summary
5 Marching Cube algorithm to reconstruct the iso-surface
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Overview of the Marching Cube algorithm
    5.3 Procedure of the fluid surface visualization
    5.4 Summary
6 3D visualization of offshore oil spills
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Introduction of the rendering of waves field
        6.2.1 Based on the construction method
        6.2.2 Based physical method
    6.3 3D visualization algorithm of offshore oil spill
        6.3.1 Spreading model
        6.3.2 Drifting and diffusive
    6.4 3D visualization of sea surface oil spill trajectory
        6.4.1 Research on visualization technology of oil film on sea water
        6.4.2 Implementation of oil spill visualization process
        6.4.3 Visualization of oil spill model
    6.5 Summary
7 Conclusions and expectations
    7.1 General conclusions
    7.2 Expectations
Biography and paper published


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