发布时间:2021-08-29 06:36
切兰加尼山林地区(Cherangani Forest Reserve)是肯尼亚的第四高山,植物种类丰富,其森林也是重要的集水区,是肯尼亚五座主要水塔之一。本地区位于肯尼亚西部,由12个森林斑块组成,这些森林斑块具有丰富的生物多样性,为周边民族提供赖以生存的环境。该地区具有独特的广阔地形,以及由不同植物物种组成的广泛生物多样性,特别是具有大量未受干扰的本土森林。然而,历年来该地区的植物多样性却鲜有关注,其物种名录,特别是药用植物的调查还严重不足。本研究基于在2015年7月至2019年1月之间,由肯尼亚国家博物馆和中国科学院中-非联合研究中心(SAJOREC)的植物学家组成的科考小组在切兰加尼山林地区进行的多次植物调查结果。植物考察基于无样地的步行调查进行,采集植物标本,并详细记录植物生活型、栖息地等信息。民族植物学数据通过使用半结构化问卷调查,记录了科、学名、地方名称、凭证标本、习性、栖息地、使用部位、制备方法和一般用途等信息,并结合期刊和书籍中相关信息进行整理分析。作者通过对该地区多次深入的野外调查和标本馆标本的查阅,获得了该地区维管束植物的物种名录。总共记录了1296种,包括17种特...
【文章页数】:286 页
List of abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background information on forests globally
1.2 Forests in Africa
1.3 Kenyan forests
1.4 Current vegetation status and biophysical descriptions of Cherangani hillsforest
1.4.1 Vegetation status
1.4.2 Topography
1.4.3 Drainage and Hydrology
1.4.4 Geology
1.4.5 Climate
1.4.6 Demographic characteristics of communities adjacent to Cherangani hills forest
1.5 Causes of forest loss
1.5.1 Forest degradation and deforestation
1.5.2 Population growth
1.5.3 Droughts,pests,fires,and erratic Rainfall
1.5.4 Impact of livestock grazing
1.5.5 Ineffective and poor forest policies
1.5.6 Climate change
1.5.7 Overharvesting
Chapter2 Floristic composition of vascular plants of Cherangani hills
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and methods
2.2.1 Study site
2.2.2 Specimen collection and identification
2.2.3 Checklist
2.3 Results and discussion
2.3.1 Families,genera and species diversity
2.3.2 Growth habit
2.3.3 Endemic and threatened species
2.3.4 Exotic species
2.4 New records
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter3 Medicinal plants and their traditional uses in local communities around Cherangani hills
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material and Methods
3.2.1 Study Area
3.2.2 Selection of Respondents
3.2.3 Ethnobotanical Data Collection and Plant Identification
3.2.4 Data Analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents
3.3.2.Diversity of Medicinal Plant Use
3.3.3 The Habitat for Medicinal Plants
3.3.4 Habit,Parts Used for Medicine and Methods of Preparation
3.3.5 Informant Consensus Factor(ICF)
3.3.6 Fidelity Level(FL)
3.3.7 Jaccard’s Coefficient of Similarity
3.3.8 Threats to Medicinal Plants
3.4 Discussion
Chapter4 Significance,conservation and management of Forest resources
4.1 Significance of Forest resources
4.2 Conservation and management of forest resources
4.3 The need for forest conservation in Cherangani hills forest
4.4 Conclusion
Author's Profile
【文章页数】:286 页
List of abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background information on forests globally
1.2 Forests in Africa
1.3 Kenyan forests
1.4 Current vegetation status and biophysical descriptions of Cherangani hillsforest
1.4.1 Vegetation status
1.4.2 Topography
1.4.3 Drainage and Hydrology
1.4.4 Geology
1.4.5 Climate
1.4.6 Demographic characteristics of communities adjacent to Cherangani hills forest
1.5 Causes of forest loss
1.5.1 Forest degradation and deforestation
1.5.2 Population growth
1.5.3 Droughts,pests,fires,and erratic Rainfall
1.5.4 Impact of livestock grazing
1.5.5 Ineffective and poor forest policies
1.5.6 Climate change
1.5.7 Overharvesting
Chapter2 Floristic composition of vascular plants of Cherangani hills
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and methods
2.2.1 Study site
2.2.2 Specimen collection and identification
2.2.3 Checklist
2.3 Results and discussion
2.3.1 Families,genera and species diversity
2.3.2 Growth habit
2.3.3 Endemic and threatened species
2.3.4 Exotic species
2.4 New records
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter3 Medicinal plants and their traditional uses in local communities around Cherangani hills
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material and Methods
3.2.1 Study Area
3.2.2 Selection of Respondents
3.2.3 Ethnobotanical Data Collection and Plant Identification
3.2.4 Data Analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents
3.3.2.Diversity of Medicinal Plant Use
3.3.3 The Habitat for Medicinal Plants
3.3.4 Habit,Parts Used for Medicine and Methods of Preparation
3.3.5 Informant Consensus Factor(ICF)
3.3.6 Fidelity Level(FL)
3.3.7 Jaccard’s Coefficient of Similarity
3.3.8 Threats to Medicinal Plants
3.4 Discussion
Chapter4 Significance,conservation and management of Forest resources
4.1 Significance of Forest resources
4.2 Conservation and management of forest resources
4.3 The need for forest conservation in Cherangani hills forest
4.4 Conclusion
Author's Profile