
发布时间:2017-12-26 15:49

  本文关键词:日据时期朝鲜半岛汉语会话教科书语言研究 出处:《吉林大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 日据时期朝鲜半岛 汉语会话教科书 “满洲语” 词类 句法

[Abstract]: in recent years, the Korean Peninsula Korean era (1392-1910) Chinese textbooks have been more and more research. During the period of Japanese occupation (1910-1945) Chinese textbook research in Pu Zaiyuan and Jin Yaying (2009, 2011) "conversational Chinese book" and "conversational Chinese book of" literature based on the gradual start. The present day according to the textbook of spoken Chinese during the period of the Korean Peninsula issue 30 much, one of the most special one is Chinese conversation textbook named "Manchuria language", respectively "Manchuria language conversation record", "quick notes from Manchuria", "Manchuria", "Manchuria king" lecture language, "Manchuria language quiz session set". This batch of "Manchuria language" textbook published during the 1934 session concentrated to 1935, currently only the "Manchuria language" self compiled collation. In this paper, based on comprehensive clarify according to the Korean Peninsula during the period of Chinese conversation textbook, "Manchuria language" conversation textbook as the research object, using the method of combining synchronic and diachronic data and statistics, combining the study on the evolution period of the Korean Peninsula according to Chinese education policy and education consciousness, the analysis of characteristics of the "the Manchuria language" textbook of spoken vocabulary and grammar and special language phenomenon, so as to provide evidence for the overseas Chinese corpus education history, the history of early modern Chinese and Northeast Asia language contact history. The full text is divided into 7 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the origin of the topic, the research situation, the significance and the method of the research. The second chapter is the study of the characteristics of Korean Chinese education in the Japanese Korean Peninsula. The first Governor General of Korea four Korean education to dating, examines the development and characteristics of the Korean Peninsula in different periods of Chinese conversation textbooks; followed by the use of the relevant materials, the research contents of this period of Chinese educational institutions, teachers structure, Chinese education consciousness and methods, clear the nature of Chinese Education, the period of the Korean Peninsula according to. The third chapter is the style and content of the "Manchuria language" conversation textbook. Mainly from the "special named Manchuria language" with the analysis of the background of the five session "Manchuria language" textbooks, emphasis on the inheritance and development of the compilation style, especially the content of the "Manchuria color", discusses "Manchuria language" textbook of spoken on the Korean Peninsula in the history of Chinese Education and special status according to the day. The fourth chapter is the lexical features of the "Manchuria" conversation textbooks. First examine the proportion and characteristics of typical oral textbook of spoken words; focus on the analysis of the characteristics of "r-coloring" vocabulary in oral english. Secondly, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the dialect vocabulary that its Northeastern Mandarin dialect and Beijing Mandarin dialect mixture. Third, explore the era of vocabulary, the main features of the old Manchu word "word note" and only honorific language. On this basis, the colloquial and dialectal nature of the vocabulary of the "Manchuria language" conversation textbooks, as well as the transitional and epoch characteristics of the vocabulary are clarified. The fifth chapter is the grammatical features of the "Manchuria" conversation textbooks. (1) word class characteristics. First examine the "Manchuria language" textbook of spoken lexical category name, characteristics and causes, focus on the analysis of the inconsistency of the lexical category name and type; the inconsistency of lexical category members; lexical category ambiguity in naming "word"; then analyzes the characteristics of the influence of Chinese grammar books, the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese grammar works Chinese grammar book at the same time. (2) syntactic features. The syntactic concept of the "Manchuria language" conversational book is relatively vague, often with words and sentences. First, the characteristics of all kinds of interrogative words and their interrogative sentences are analyzed. Secondly, the distribution and structural characteristics of the Ba sentences in the disposal are investigated. Finally, the distribution of the passive voice is investigated, and the diachronic development of passive sentences marked by "Bei" and "Jiao" is mainly studied. In conclusion, word class, sentence category and sentence pattern in Manchuria dialect reflect the transitivity of early modern Chinese, and also show the grammatical awareness and grammatical awareness of Korean Chinese in the Japanese occupation era. The sixth chapter is the study of the special Chinese phenomenon in the "Manchuria language" conversation textbook. First discusses the special form on the source of foreign words in its essence; and the puppet period "Manchu" as the reference, reveals a strong invasion of Japanese chinese. Secondly, it examines the special language phenomena and their causes in grammar and phonetics. Finally, based on the theory of language policy, language contact variation and two language acquisition, the essential attribute and corpus value of the special Chinese phenomenon are clarified. The seventh chapter is the conclusion. On the basis of the summary of the full text, we draw five conclusions, and point out the shortcomings of this paper and the problems to be solved in the future.


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