
发布时间:2018-01-02 04:32

  本文关键词:中国当代动画片艺术特征嬗变 出处:《北京电影学院》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 当代动画片 文化特征 艺术特征嬗变

[Abstract]:This paper reviews the history of animation in the mainland of China after the founding of the people's Republic of China, summarizes the artistic characteristics of each stage of animation in the past 70 years, and adopts the method of intensive reading of animation texts. Combined with the historical background of the works, from the theme selection, art style, theme connotation, plot setting, mirror language model and so on. This paper expounds in detail the evolution of the artistic characteristics and cultural causes of Chinese contemporary cartoons, and tries to outline the picture of the evolution of the artistic style of Chinese cartoons in the past 70 years. Collect the data and interview the creators at that time to study the birth of these outstanding national treasures and their far-reaching impact. The introduction of this paper introduces the research object and significance. The first chapter discusses the evolution of animation art features after the founding of the people's Republic of China, and has experienced a transition from childishness, romance to mainstream values. The second chapter studies the evolution of animation artistic characteristics in the special historical period of the Cultural Revolution. During this period, animation works almost became the tool of political propaganda, the number of animation works decreased, and the mainstream values occupied the main position. The third chapter discusses the simplicity and prosperity of animation in 1980s, in which the artistic features of animation are childlike, elite consciousness and multi-style emerged. In chapter 4th, the author studies the transition of animation in 1990s. The artistic characteristics of animation in the transition period are shallow thinking, popular cultural consciousness and assimilation style. The 5th chapter summarizes the aesthetic features of animation in 21th century, the consciousness of type concept and the blending of style constitute the artistic characteristics of this period. This paper is in the process of studying the contemporary animation art in China. From the perspective of Chinese history and its economic and cultural background, this paper examines the evolution of the characteristics of contemporary Chinese art, including the creation times, the social context and the cultural trends. Economic situation is the reference frame of the evolution of artistic characteristics. From the development and change of artistic characteristics of Chinese cartoon art in the past 70 years. In 21th century, the rapid development of economy and science and technology, cultural diversity led to the Chinese animation become open and inclusive. The traditional rational color, humanistic concept and enlightenment mode in the cartoon are gradually evolving into a type. In the process of studying the evolution of the artistic characteristics of Chinese animation, this thesis also combs the animation creation, the theoretical research and the artistic creation of animation art promote each other. The aesthetic process of animation art is accomplished by the interaction of creators and appreciators. The functional aesthetics of cartoons, colorful pictures, endless imagination brings the aesthetic feeling. Rich and full. This paper studies in the new situation of cultural integration, industrial prosperity and international capital cooperation. Animation works how to increase cultural discourse and influence has a certain theoretical guidance and directional guidance.


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