
发布时间:2018-01-09 13:05

  本文关键词:维特根斯坦“生活形式”研究 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 生活形式 形式概念 语言游戏 私人语言 确定性

【摘要】:自从Malcolm在1954年指出“人们……不太强调……维特根斯坦思想中的这个概念”起,“生活形式”就始终是维特根斯坦研究者的一个不可回避的话题。本文就是一种对维特根斯坦“生活形式”思想的发散性解读的尝试。通过这种尝试,我们可以发现,从生活形式出发来解读维特根斯坦哲学,这样一条道路是可能的。在第一部分的文本解读中,我们面对如下问题:维特根斯坦的哪些用语可以被算作“生活形式”?维特根斯坦的“生活形式”与他晚期其他的与生活有关的合成词有什么关系?第一个问题的答案涉及到对“Lebensform”、“Lebensformen”和“Form des Lebens”这三个德文词的辨析,在此基础上衍生出来的单数派与复数派之间的争论以及由此引申出来的关于人的生物性与文化性的问题也同样是这一部分的核心论题。这种单复数的争论的确在哲学上推动了我们对人的理解,但对于“生活形式”问题来说,这种争论反而妨碍了我们对“生活形式”的理解。在第二个问题中,与“生活”相关的合成词由于构词上的特性多少都和“生活形式”有所联系,而“生活图样”是这些合成词中引起争论最多的一个。“生活形式”是否等同于“生活图样”,这是关于生活形式文本部分的第二大争论。本文指出,支持“同义词”的理由并不足够充分。相反,如果维特根斯坦有意使用了这两种说法,那么保持这两种说法的独特性是更好的策略。由于维特根斯坦的哲学分为早期哲学和晚期哲学两个截然不同的部分,在梳理清楚文本上的问题之后,“生活形式”与维特根斯坦早期哲学的关系就是我们需要面对的第一个问题。虽然“生活形式”是维特根斯坦晚期哲学中才出现的一个哲学名词,许多晚期维特根斯坦哲学的研究者也避谈维特根斯坦的早期哲学,但本文认为:生活形式与他的早期哲学中关于“形式”和“形式概念”的论述有着密切的关联。这种关联体现在:首先,在其早期哲学中,形式标识的是“可能性”,类似地,我们可以将“生活形式”理解成一种“生活的可能性”,在这个背景下,我们的生活就是一种“可能生活。”其次,本文将“生活”看作一个“形式概念”。但这里的“形式概念”与早期维特根斯坦哲学中的“形式概念”略有差别:早期维特根斯坦哲学中的“形式概念”强调的是“说出”与“显示”之间的差异;而作为“形式概念”的生活强调的是“活动”与“显示”之间的关系:我参与的是一个个的实际活动,而无法参与“生活”;但通过我的活动,我可以显示出我的生活。类似地,“生活形式”也是一个“形式概念”:它是“作为形式概念的‘生活’的可能性”。本文采用“形式概念”这一否定的说法,并不意在对“生活形式”进行哲学分析,相反,这种说法本身恰恰就包含了“非理论”的一面。借用“形式概念”,我们最终希望能够指出维特根斯坦晚期哲学的这一要点:我们的行动显示出了我们的生活,同时也展现了我们生活的一种可能性。与早期哲学相比,在维特根斯坦的晚期哲学中,大量思想资源都同“生活形式”有关。关于生活形式与维特根斯坦的晚期哲学的这一章也是本文最重要的一部分。按照时间顺序,这一章可以大体上分为三个子部分:与维特根斯坦早期哲学相近的“画册”的比喻和“哲学病”,公认的维特根斯坦晚期哲学的核心话题“语言游戏”、“私人语言”和“确定性”,以及维特根斯坦晚年对于伦理和宗教这类普遍性的话题的思考。在“画册”的比喻中,本文将指出这一比喻的内在结构是将“生活”比作“风景”,作为画册的《哲学研究》其实描绘的是我们的“生活”。在“哲学病”这一部分中,本文认为,对“哲学病”的治疗包含两个要点:一、强调日常语言和日常生活的重要性;二、以“生活形式”为背景来对抗“哲学的奠基倾向”。就语言游戏、私人语言和确定性这三个维特根斯坦晚期哲学中的核心思想而言,本文认为:我们语言的多样性呈现在我们的生活形式之中,我们的语言游戏只有在我们所在的生活形式下才能得到理解,没有超生活的语言游戏。我们无法理解他人的语言游戏,这不是我们的能力问题,而是我们彼此的生活形式没有交集。与之相关的反私人语言思想是对“语言游戏”思想的延续:“生活形式”是我们不得不接受的、给定的东西。它是共同体共享的看待他者和反观自己的一个视角。在这个意义上,“生活形式”也是反对“私人语言”的一个背景:因为遵守规则是一种公共的活动,这种活动显示了我们的生活形式;而私自地遵守规则是完全封闭的,是独立于我们的“生活形式”之外的。另一方面,我们的规则还依赖于我们生活的习俗和历史。在“确定性”与“生活形式”的关系问题上,我们强调:一、我们生活中的“怀疑”的语言游戏总是要依赖某些不可怀疑的要素才能运行,维特根斯坦认为这些要素是“常识的确定性”。而本文顺着这一思路继续揭示出:常识的确定性不是独立于我们的知识网络、生活经验和共同体之外的东西,它是在一种共享的生活形式下表现出来的、作为我们生活“基础”的东西。这里的“基础”不是证明的基础,而是我们语言游戏得以运作的前提。二、“我知道”表达了一种“舒心的确定性”,这种确定性也可以被看作一种生活形式。这种确定性之所以能带给我们安全感,在于它为我们在共同体内部的交往提供了某种保障。在伦理话题中,维特根斯坦关于“行动”的思想是他伦理观的核心要点。我们通过行动改变自己的生活,我们的目的不是去迎合某种道德规范,而是使我们的生活同生活形式相一致。在宗教话题中,根据Malcolm的总结,我们发现维特根斯坦宗教与哲学思想上的四个相似点都体现出了生活形式的要素。当维特根斯坦论述具体的宗教活动时,他认为这些活动并不是盲目地崇拜,而是同我们的生活形式是分不开的:它孕育于我们的环境、共同体和文化之中。通过以上这些论述,我们发现,在晚期维特根斯坦的这些重要主题中都有“生活形式”的影子。并且当我们以“生活形式”为背景来思考这些哲学主题的时候,我们同时也对维特根斯坦的晚期哲学有了更深层次的理解。这种理解不是理论上的深化,而是一种精神上的鼓舞——它鼓舞我们投身到实际生活上去,去实现可能的生活。
[Abstract]:Since Malcolm pointed out that "people in 1954. Not too stressed. The concept of" Wittgenstein's thought, "forms of life" has become an unavoidable topic of Wittgenstein. The article is a try of Wittgenstein's "life form" thought of divergent interpretation. By this we can try. Found that, starting from the life form of Wittgenstein philosophy, such a path is possible. In the first part of the text interpretation, we face the following problems: what are the terms of Wittgenstein would be counted as "life form"? Wittgenstein's "life form" and he and the other late life about what is the relationship between words? The answer to the first question relates to the "Lebensform" on "Lebensformen" and "Form des Lebens" the three German words, on this basis Between the school derived based on singular and plural school debate and problems which arise out of a person's biological and culture is also the core part of this thesis. This argument is plural in philosophy to promote our understanding of the people, but for the "life form", this debate will actually hinder our understanding of "form of life". In the second question, and "living" Related words because of the characteristics of the word formation and how many are "forms of life" and "life contact pattern" is the most controversial words in a form of life. "Is equivalent to the" life pattern ", this is the second part of the debate about the life form of text. This paper pointed out that support the" synonym "reason is not sufficient. On the contrary, if Wittgenstein intends to use The two argument, so keep the uniqueness of these two arguments is a better strategy. Because of Wittgenstein's philosophy is divided into early and late philosophy philosophy two distinct parts, after the clear text on the issue, "the first life form" and Wittgenstein's early philosophy is that we need to face. Although the "form of life" is a philosophical term only appeared in Wittgenstein's late philosophy, many studies of late Early Philosophy of Wittgenstein's philosophy is talking about Wittgenstein, but we think: the exposition of "form" and "concept" in the form of life and his early philosophy are closely related. This relationship is reflected in the first, in his early philosophy, the form of logo is the "possibility", similarly, we can understand the "life form" into a " The possibility of living ", in this context, our life is a" possible life ". Secondly, the" life "as a" formal concept. "But here the" formal concept "and the early Wittgenstein philosophy of" formal concept "slightly different: the early Wittgenstein philosophy of" formal concept "that is" say "and" show "the difference between; as a" formal concept "life emphasizes the relationship between" activity "and" show ": my participation is a practical activity, and can not participate in the" life "; but through my activities, I can show my life. Similarly, the" life form "is a" formal concept ": it is" as a form of the concept of "life" possibilities ". The" concept "the negative argument is not intended to" student Live form "the philosophical analysis, on the contrary, this argument itself just contains" a non theory ". Use" concept of form ", we would like to point out that this final point of Wittgenstein's later philosophy: our actions reflect our life, at the same time also shows a possibility of our life. Compared with the early philosophy in Wittgenstein's late philosophy, a lot of ideological resources are closely related to the" life form ". About the life forms and Wittgenstein's late philosophy this chapter is also the most important part. According to the time order, this chapter can be divided into three sub parts: Wittgenstein's early philosophy and similar the" album "metaphor and" philosophy ", recognized Wittgenstein's later philosophy the core topic of" language game "," private language "and" certainty "to Think about the topic for this kind of universal ethics and religion and Wittgenstein in his later years. In the "album" metaphor, this paper pointed out that the internal structure of the metaphor is the "life" to "landscape", as the album < > of Philosophy in fact is a description of our "life". In the "philosophy of disease" this part, this paper argues that the treatment of "philosophy" includes two elements: first, the importance of daily language and daily life; two, to "form of life" as the background against "tendency" philosophy. The language game, the core idea of private language and certainty of the three Wittgenstein late in philosophy, this paper argues that: the diversity of our language in our present life form, our language games can be understood only in our life form, no super language of life Game. We cannot understand other people's language game, this is not our ability, but our life forms do not intersect. The related anti private language thought is a continuation of "language game" thought: "life form" is we have to accept the given things. It is about sharing community the other and in a perspective of their own. In this sense, "a background form of life" is opposed to "private language": because a public activity is to abide by the rules, this activity showed the form of our life; and obey the rules privately is completely closed, is independent of our "life form" outside. On the other hand, our rules also depends on our life customs and history. The relations between the "certainty" and "life form", we emphasize that: first, we live In "doubt" language games always rely on some doubt elements to run, Wittgenstein believes that these elements are "certainty" common sense. But this article along this line of thought to reveal that common sense certainty is not independent of our knowledge network, life experience and community what it is manifested in a shared life form, as we live in the "foundation" of the basic things. Here the "basis" is not proof, but our language game can be the premise of the two. "I know," as a "comfortable certainty", this uncertainty can also be seen a form of life. This kind of uncertainty can bring us a sense of security, is that it provides a guarantee for our communication within the community. In the ethical topic, Wittgenstein on the "action "He thought is the ethics of the core points. We through the action to change my life, our purpose is not to cater to certain moral norms, but to make our life with life forms consistent. In religious topics, according to the Malcolm summary, we found four similarities between religious and philosophical thoughts of Wittgenstein are reflected the elements of life form. When Wittgenstein discusses the specific religious activities, he believes that these activities are not blindly worship, but with our form of life is inseparable, conceived in our environment, community and culture. Through the above discussion, we found that there are" forms of life in the shadow of the important theme of these late Wittgenstein. And when we take "forms of life" as the background to consider the theme of philosophy, we also discuss the victor There is a deeper understanding of the later philosophy of Kant. This understanding is not a theoretical deepening, but a spiritual encouragement -- it inspires us to devote ourselves to real life to achieve possible life.



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