
发布时间:2018-01-24 21:52

  本文关键词: 李郭画派 政治意识 文化氛围 雅集 出处:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Yuan Dynasty is a more special dynasty, although it is not the only non-Han dynasty in Chinese history, but compared with Liao Dynasty of Qidan people, Jin Dynasty of female people and Qing Dynasty of Manchu people. It is not keen on the original Chinese cultural tradition, because of the coexistence of multiple nationalities in the empire, cultural diversity is particularly obvious. The most affected by this should be the traditional taxi class, on the one hand. They felt the crisis of being marginalized, and the painting art itself was forced to develop the existential meaning of "maintaining cultural tradition", which resulted in "reverting to the ancient times" in style. "calligraphy into painting" and other traditional models for a new interpretation, a new way, this is probably the history of painting in the Yuan Dynasty as the "literati painting" turn. On the other hand, it is easier to be ignored by the history of painting. For the literati who were concerned about painting art at that time, to think about how this art in their official career frustration when the problem of allowing him to settle down. Perhaps more important than some kind of painting reform experiment. In the early Yuan Dynasty, Li Guo's painting style was ruled by the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty and by Mongolia in the north for its obvious political consciousness. The southern scholars were cut off because of the change of dynasty and the interruption of the imperial examination. After the imperial examination resumed, the competition of the southern scholars was also extremely fierce, and the official career was blocked. It is a more feasible way to recommend the official of the Northern official with his art of painting. Therefore, Li Guo's painting style also got the favor of the scholars in the early Yuan Dynasty. In the middle period, great development was achieved. This mode of recommendation between the Northern officials and the Southern Scholars was interrupted by the rapidly deteriorating political situation in the late Yuan Dynasty, and the northern officials were busy dealing with the Korean government and the southern turmoil. Unable and unwilling to participate in the cultural affairs of the South, the cultural atmosphere dominated by political influence in the early Yuan Dynasty also changed dramatically, coupled with the special economic conditions in the south of the Yangtze River. In this kind of atmosphere, Li Guoshanshui lost the main audience in this kind of atmosphere, many large households in the south can also maintain the exchange of life emotion and the pursuit of the value of literature and art in the turbulent times. The political goal which was originally pursued as a means also became meaningless and thus lost the love of the literati. And Huang Gongwang from Dong Ju style Wu Zhen. The seclusion of Ni Zan and others was in keeping with the atmosphere guided by Jiangnan elegant collection and became the mainstream of southern landscape painting in the late Yuan Dynasty.


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