
发布时间:2018-02-26 18:47

  本文关键词: 近代 腾冲 内陆边疆县 变迁 出处:《南京大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the history of modern Chinese is a period of change dramatically, scholars of modern Chinese change is a lot of research results, but there is a serious regional imbalance. In general, the study of the North China, Jiangnan, modern change in the Yangtze River Basin results more close to the inland border area is little achievement Tengchong as an inland frontier County, the modern changes are characteristic of research on modern transformation of Tengchong can enrich modern Chinese changes. The political aspect, modern Tengchong is a period of political changing. First in modern Tengchong has gradually become the administrative center of Tengchong, the administrative center of Tengchong was formed in 1902 to open third ports in Yunnan have very close contact, have a profound impact on changes in the formation of Tengchong local society in Tengchong. The administrative center of the second Tengchong modern administration Division also experienced a big adjustment. The administrative division of modern Tengchong has undergone great changes, eventually it became a standard level units in Tengchong. The adjustment of administrative divisions in addition to the development and local politics, and also of Burma assigned are closely linked. The attempt of the bourgeois democratic revolution again time in modern Tengchong. In modern Yunnan, Tengchong is the earlier bourgeois revolutionary activities in the region, eventually this region first achieved the victory of the democratic revolution in Yunnan, and the establishment of the revolutionary regime, it had a great influence on promoting the development of Tengchong and Yunnan local politics. Finally, Tengchong also attempted political democracy the Tengchong. Although in the modern bourgeois democratic revolution in front of Yunnan, but in Tengchong in terms of political democratization progress is relatively slow economic. Tengchong, the economic category has experienced a fast development. In the traditional Chinese society, agriculture is fundamental, but in Tengchong, the overall development of modern agriculture is very slow. The industry of Tengchong and other places Chinese, started relatively late, but not on a large scale, its development mainly concentrated in light industry. In the economic category, the commercial development of Tengchong is the fastest. In modern Chinese before the door is opened, Tengchong has been in the foreign trade center, Tengchong opened as a trading port, Tengchong business more quickly. In the development of new transportation, modern Tengchong has tried railway, highway, aviation and construction, but the overall effect is not significant. In modern society, Tengchong has undergone great changes in some aspects. In the social custom, especially in the Republic of China in modern times, Tengchong folk A lot of custom habits were included in the ranks, the government and the transformation of these folk custom, and achieved certain results. In the aspect of social life. Because Tengchong is located in the border area, close contacts with the outside world, because of the modern social life of Tengchong also appeared a lot of new things, such as western style building, foreign the goods, foreign language. In terms of social services in modern Tengchong. In western medicine, communications, banking and other aspects of development in varying degrees. The people in the national consciousness. In the society of modern Tengchong, along with the time change, in the national and public crisis, Tengchong ordinary people gradually have on national consciousness home consciousness foundation, this consciousness fully sublimation during the Anti Japanese war. Culture and education, modern Tengchong has achieved great achievement. With the development of modern Tengchong and the outside world communication frequency Dense, in the western world and the mainland some city plays an important role in modern societies also began to appear in Tengchong, in many modern societies in modern Tengchong in the more influential and is Chong Chong Xinhui Xinhui, and made outstanding contributions in promoting the development of Tengchong society. The book as a carrier of culture knowledge in modern Tengchong, a person with breadth of vision have been aware of the importance of it in modern Tengchong, the emergence of a number of influential libraries including Heshun library, the library, effectively promote the development of the Tengchong local cultural undertakings. Other modern Tengchong various organizations to publicize their ideas, set up some of the more influential newspapers and magazines, representative of the Heshun Township < > and < >. Daily vault before modern times, Tengchong as an inland border area, the education started earlier in. After the generation, because of the attention from all walks of life in Tengchong, established a relatively complete education system. In the evolution of modern Tengchong, some aspects of the development of faster, such as commercial and cultural aspects, some aspects such as the slow development of agriculture and industry. But whether it is fast or slow, businessmen, overseas Chinese, Xian three groups both play important roles in the frontier, at the same time, has a far-reaching influence and national war three factors on Tengchong modern change.





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