
发布时间:2018-02-28 21:14

  本文关键词: 安塞腰鼓 传承方式 变迁特征 文化再生产 出处:《北京体育大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward: national culture is the soul and root of Chinese Dream. The prosperity of a country and a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture. There is no inheritance and development of civilization, no promotion and prosperity of culture. There would be no realization of Chinese Dream. Broad and profound Chinese excellent traditional culture is the foundation for us to stand firm in the world cultural agitation. Sports intangible cultural heritage is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. It is also an important Ren Wuzhi to strengthen the construction of sports culture and promote the prosperity of sports culture. At present, due to the changes in people's way of life and the influence of foreign cultures, China's sports intangible cultural heritage is being marginalized. But Ansai waist drum is unique in the inheritance of sports intangible cultural heritage, the form of inheritance is good, and enjoys high reputation at home and abroad. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage of sports in China through the study of the inheritance mode and vicissitude characteristics of Ansai waist drum in different historical periods. Field investigation and oral history, with the inheritance and evolution of Ansai waist drum as the research object. This paper focuses on the period before 1935, Yan'an period, socialist transition period, people's commune period and the period of reform and opening up. This paper analyzes the inheritance mode of Ansai waist drum in five different periods, and probes into the dynamic mechanism and main characteristics of the change of Ansai waist drum inheritance mode. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the origin of Ansai waist drum is closely related to war and religion. It formed a complete symbiotic cultural ecosystem with other intangible cultural heritage in its territory. During the period of socialist transition and the period of people's commune, the inheritance has been further enriched, both of which are folk customs and government methods. During the period of reform and opening up, the inheritance of Ansai waist drum tends to be diversified, including the way of folk inheritance. The main characteristics of the vicissitude of the way of inheritance of Ansai waist drum include: 1) from the single way to the diversification way (2) from the unconscious inheritance to the active inheritance 3) the combination of inheritance and innovation 4) protection and opening. (4) the dynamic mechanism of the change in the way in which Ansai inherits the waist drum includes social changes and cultural reproduction. The interaction of the two has promoted the change of the inheritance mode of Ansai waist drum. 5) there are many kinds of inheritance ways of Ansai waist drum, and each way of inheritance has its own characteristics, folklore style has the spontaneity, government mode has the leading role. According to the characteristics of the inheritance mode, we should give full play to the mass role of the folk heritage mode, the leading role of the government inheritance mode, and the driving role of the commercial inheritance mode.


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