
发布时间:2018-03-01 16:41

  本文关键词: 泰国新浪潮电影 艺术风格 审美特征 文化内涵 类型电影 出处:《上海戏剧学院》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, Thai films have become more and more popular after Japan, India, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan, Iran and South Korea). This paper intends to comb the development and aesthetic evolution of Thai film creation from 1950s to present, and summarize the artistic characteristics of Thai film and its social and cultural connotations in combination with the historical context. And try to think about the whole construction of Thai national film in the world film pattern. This paper divides the Thai film since 1950s into three historical stages, focusing on how to express real life, the fundamental problem of artistic creation, from the narrative technique. Starting with the audio-visual style, cultural connotation and other aspects, this paper analyzes the artistic style of the representative works in various historical stages and their creative ideas and aesthetic pursuits. This paper makes a preliminary combing and summing up of the evolution of Thai film aesthetic concept. The first historical stage was 1950-1970s. At that time, 16mm film was the mainstream production mode of Thai film, and live dubbing was the main way of film projection. The low-cost type of film associated with this mode of production defines Thai cinema's emphasis on rural fairytale taste. The second stage of history was in the mid-1970-1990s. Thai society has gradually transitioned from a complete agricultural society to an urbanized society. The social speculation and aesthetic pursuit reflected in Thai films have achieved a qualitative leap. Modern film thinking and Thai classical aesthetic paradigm have found a fusion model. The nostalgia complex of "sorrow but not hurt" has become the symbol of the rise of Thai film in the world national film forest. The third historical stage is 1997 to the present. With the successful transition of Thai films to the ideology of the urban middle class, The types of commercial mainstream films are emerging. The types of youth, terror, history, crime and so on continue to differentiate, especially the comedy elements and ghost film and youth film grafting is the most successful, its distinctive audio-visual style, unique aesthetic experience, The cultural connotation with national characteristics has become an example of Thai film combining the local cultural spirit with the contemporary film concept. The artistic creation of the non-mainstream film is based on its bold idea experiment, various styles, profound cultural speculation, The rise of Thai films seems to have been accomplished overnight, but the industry's vitality, artistic level and cultural impact over the past 20 years have proved that this is no accident. It's based on a solid foundation. Regardless of the hardware and the external conditions for nurturing resources at home and abroad, we are committed to finding a shared space for cultural values in terms of creative ideas. Under the premise of respecting the characteristics of the type, the pursuit of extreme audio-visual style and leading concept expression is probably the most important foundation stone for the Thai film to maintain its good development momentum. This may have a positive effect on the further development of Chinese-language films.




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