
发布时间:2018-03-10 12:20

  本文选题:阶级分化社会 切入点:时间商品化 出处:《清华大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the Contemporary criticism of Historical materialism: power, property and State, Giddens comprehensively criticized Marx's historical materialism and put many theoretical difficulties and focal points on the desk, which had a strong influence on the whole western academic circle. In recent years, this thesis is a response to Giddens' critical viewpoint. Giddens' core idea is: compared with the previous societies, capitalist society is obviously fractured. There is no such thing as continuity and unity in the theory of historical materialism. Giddens' argument is on many levels and from many angles.) only capitalist society is a class society, whereas the previous society was either a tribal society. Either a class divided society. 2) capitalist society has commercialized time and space. Thus it shows that there is a qualitative difference between the exploitation of capitalist societies and the exploitation in previous societies, only in capitalist societies. Class relations and economic exploitation intrude into the process of production, thus forming the basic characteristic of the process of production. (4) based on the sociological concepts of power, domination, structure, integration, etc. On the basis of his famous "structured theory", Giddens criticizes both the "function-structuralism" interpretation of historical materialism and the evolutionary interpretation of it at the methodological level. This paper is based on the core text of Marx, especially on the text group of rare, which is the peak of the development of Marx's thought. The analysis of some important concepts and basic principles of historical materialism pointed at by Giddens) as long as there is private ownership of the means of production, class relations will inevitably emerge from this kind of production relations. And then form a class society. Its concrete form can and must be different, but the essence is the same. Time can be used as a measure of the value of goods, but it cannot be a kind of independent commodity. Because without a certain material carrier, time will be emptied and become a kind of illusory thing. In short, time cannot leave the commodity and set up its own door, become another kind of commodity.) there is no class exploitation from the production process. Any exploitation is based on confrontational relations of production, because the relations of production are formed and exist in the process of material production. From a methodological point of view, the above explanation shows that there are both breaks and continuations between "capitalist" and "non-capitalist" societies. It is a dialectical unity of fracture and continuity. It is obviously biased that Giddens negates the continuity of history with the break of history and then denies the evolutionary interpretation and function-structuralism explanation of historical development.




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