
发布时间:2018-04-03 04:23

  本文选题:诗经 切入点:跨阶层传播 出处:《南京大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The Book of songs is the first collection of poetry in ancient China, which contains a large number of chapters from the people.This paper studies the cross-class communication of Poems from two aspects of style and concept.First of all, as a folk style, "poem" was accepted by the aristocratic class in what way at first? how did the stylistic status of "poem" be improved step by step, and finally become a symbol of aristocratic culture?On the other hand, how did the ideas from the lower levels, such as love, view of history, and so on, affect the psychological and intellectual structure of the upper class and ultimately lead to those consequences?This is the main problem discussed by the author.Folk poetry was initially accepted by the nobility in entertainment. In the four parts of "the ritual of drinking in the country", "the ritual of Yan Li", "the Rites of the Countryside" and "the Great shooting instrument", a large number of musical works and songs were presented in the scenes of "Poems".The aristocrats were influenced by folk poetry and music in the entertaining Yan Li and the shooting ceremony. These poems were gradually familiar to the aristocrats and became language tools for expressing their personal feelings and opinions.It was in this context that it came into being and became popular.During the Spring and Autumn period, poetry became more and more important in domestic and foreign affairs, and even became a textbook for aristocratic education.At the same time, with the spread of poetry to the upper class, the folk expressions began to be absorbed by the aristocratic class, and used in a large number of aristocratic poetry creation, in this process,The semantics of some cliches have also changed. In some of the poems of the late Western Zhou Dynasty, the author's signature appeared. The meaning of the signature is that the author wants to pass on his name through the creation of the poem, in the words of the aristocrats of the Zhou Dynasty.Is to "stand up" so that "immortal".Of all these signed poems, the most representative is Xiao Ya-xiang Bo, which is written by an eunuch, but shows certain features of higher forms of writing, such as the Suo Shue and the affidavit in the Book of Shang.This is also a manifestation of the rising stylistic status of the Book of songs, which contains a large number of folk love poems.One of the unrestrained views of love spread to the upper class, but also affect the aristocrats on the view of sex.During the Spring and Autumn period, political calamities caused by the uncontrolled nature of love were everywhere. Therefore, Confucius proposed "setting up Zheng's voice" and deleting from the music those love poems that were too enthusiastic.At the same time, some love poems were transformed into language tools to elucidate virtue. The Book of songs used a large number of rhetorical devices of the rise of natural objects, which showed the original form of Chinese ancient history-a kind of natural knowledge of common people.And the aristocrats of the Spring and Autumn period to this kind of historical knowledge is more exclusive.Until Confucius put forward the function of "knowing the name of plants, trees, birds and animals", the study of history became a kind of legitimate knowledge.During the warring States period, the importance of historical knowledge in the political field became increasingly prominent and became an important resource for Confucianism to construct the order of Heaven and Man.However, there is also a book called "Erya" in Confucianism, in which a great deal of space is devoted to the explanation of natural objects, which indicates that the study of natural history has become an indispensable part of the framework of Confucian knowledge.


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