
发布时间:2018-04-11 13:19

  本文选题:乡土美术 + 延安版画 ; 参考:《中央美术学院》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The local art discussed in this paper actually refers to a series of revolutionary practices and regime construction carried out by the Communist Party of China in the countryside of China as the theme and content of the fine arts works.By discussing the three stages of war experienced by the Communist Party of China in 1937-1953,In this particular historical framework, it discusses how the Communist Party of China can overcome and digest the difficulties and crises that follow through the organizational construction of the rural grassroots regime in China.The vernacular art of this period is closely related to the revolutionary practice and revolutionary policy of the Communist Party of China in dealing with crises and dilemmas.Through the cross-analysis of art works and historical documents, the art works related to rural production and peasants' life are placed in the political, economic, cultural, military and other language areas to be examined.To try to restore the rural scene led by the Communist Party of China in the difficult years, to discuss what historical choices the writers and artists have thoroughly integrated into the political life led by the Party, and to watch how party members and cadres go deep into the countryside.Close to the peasants, guide production, develop education, mobilize the masses, and so on a series of rural construction practices, to review how the Communist Party of China in the barren plight of shaping self-reliance, not afraid of obstacles,All the good qualities based on the interests and needs of the people, and so on, to sum up the obstacles and achievements of the Communist Party of China in the process of shaping rural areas, peasants, wars and modern countries.




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