
发布时间:2018-05-15 12:49

  本文选题:传统文人画 + 品评 ; 参考:《南京艺术学院》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Literati painting began in Tang Dynasty, and developed by Su Shi in Song Dynasty. Dong Qichang put forward literati painting in Ming Dynasty and became popular. The collection of paintings became popular among literati and officials. The generation and development of painting can not be separated from the support of the corresponding theories. The theory guides and dominates the painters' concept of painting and exploration. The development of "literati painting" can be described as the interaction or promotion between the creation theory and the artist's artistic practice at that time. In the practice of painting, literati painters gradually formed a rich view of painting and gradually established a unique evaluation theory system. This paper combs the theory of literati painting evaluation and analyzes its causes from different angles. Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and philosophy have a deep influence on the way of thinking, aesthetic taste and artistic conception of literati painting, and social factors are also the important reasons to influence the theory of literary painting evaluation. Literati painters pursue "subject and object isomorphism", regard painting as the carrier of expressing subject's emotion, combine pen and ink with emotion, while depicting objective world, melt into the expression of inner world, emphasize the charm of works; The composition of literati and painter group and the particularity of collective consciousness are also the important factors that influence the evaluation theory. Most literati painters take painting as the rest, and most of the literati painters come from high power, and their status determines that they have the right to speak, and have great power to influence the development direction of painting, which can promote the practice of painting theory. Their mutual singing of literati painting theory will form a strong collective consciousness. The evaluation of literati painting has a profound influence on the creation of painting, which is reflected not only in the whole process of painting, but also in the unique pursuit of the painter in the aspects of shape, ink and pen, composition and so on. Literati painting to express the spirit, show personality as the purpose, do not seek to likeness, focus on God more than heavy form, with the easy pen to express ease, emphasis on freehand brushwork, strive to express artistic conception. The literati painters believe that ink has the independent beauty of form which is not attached to the objects of expression, and can express the subjective spirit of human beings, so it has a unique language of pen and ink. Literati painting emphasis on subjectivity in color performance, emphasis on ink, color, color performance pursuit of meaning do not seek color resemblance. Literati picture composition advocates simplicity and white space, breaks the limitation of time and space, manages the picture according to subjective feeling, pays attention to the practice of off-picture kung fu, and integrates poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing into one body. From the overall tendency of style, literati paintings show a light, elegant, clumsy and desolate artistic conception. The evaluation of literati painting and painting creation have the relation of regulation and interaction. Literati painting evaluation theory guides the practice of painting creation, at the same time, creation is also a kind of experience and practice to the theory, and creation has transcended, enriched and promoted the theory. The influence of literati painting evaluation on painting also inevitably has negative factors. Therefore, for the evaluation of traditional literati painting, we should rationally recognize and inherit its spirit in order to improve the aesthetic taste of painting creation, rather than the standard of applying dogma. To sum up, this paper takes the evaluation of literati painting as the research object, systemically, deeply, and comprehensively analyzes the traditional literary painting evaluation theory, the causes behind it, and the influence on painting practice. The interactive relationship between theory and creation and its influence on the development of painting are helpful to grasp the essence of traditional literary painting evaluation theory and to distinguish the development trend of modern Chinese painting creation.


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