
发布时间:2018-05-18 13:28

  本文选题:韩国 + 象征主义 ; 参考:《延边大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The object of this thesis is the symbolism poetry in the history of modern Korean literature. In the early twentieth Century, Korea accepted the symbolism of literature and art in the early twentieth Century. Japan accepted the symbolism of literature and art in the end of the nineteenth Century. By the beginning of the twentieth Century, the trend of symbolism literature has been very important in the course of the development of Japanese literature. In the course of accepting the literary trend of thought of symbolism in France, South Korea is an important medium. South Korea has many reasons for accepting French Symbolism. First, North Korea accepted a variety of western literary trends in the early twentieth Century. Symbolism was followed by enlightenment, realism, and aestheticism. The acceptance of the individualism is the embodiment of the demand for the modern transformation of Korean literature. Second, the demand for the development of modern Korean poetry. The mainstream of the modern Korean poetry was "singing" and "new poetry". "Singing" and "new poetry" played a certain role in the development process of modern Korean free poetry, but they could not be fully adapted to the development of modern Korean poetry. The basic demand of the modern transformation of Korean poetry, that is, to break the stereotype and explore the form and rhythm of the free poetry. Symbolism has undertaken the mission of the Korean poetry. Third, the Korean intellectuals who studied in Japan in the early twentieth Century were the sensual and sensual age of 20 years old. Fourth, South Korea itself has the "image", "artistic conception" and other Eastern poetry tradition, the eastern poetics theory and symbolism that replace the original idea in conjunction with the idea, so it can successfully accept symbolism and realize localization. The acceptance and evolution of Korean symbolism can be roughly divided into three stages. The stage is the stage of acceptance and foothold. Huang Xiyu, Zhu Yaohan, Pu Yingxi and Li Xianghe are the representative figures of this stage. In particular, the "white tide", "ruins" and people's works have strong sentimentalism, and have made a significant role in the course of the rhythmic exploration of free poetry. In the course of symbolism, a certain degree of change should be made to adapt to the mood and rhythm tradition of Korea, and to explore the form and rhythm of Korean free poetry, and publish "the poetic theory of the style >." Kim Su moon is the student of golden million, influenced by the symbolism of Jin billion poetry, reflecting the Western Symbolism and poetry in the poetry creation. Accepting, changing and even "Misreading", Kim Su Yue avoids blind imitation and case, and uses symbolism on the basis of the rhyme and rhyme of South Korea. Unlike the poets who accept the symbolism, Jin Su Yue integrates the tradition of Oriental poetry on the basis of symbolism in order to explore the emotion and rhythm of Korean poetry. Han Longyun's poems also reflect the influence of symbolism, pay attention to the overall symbol of poetry and incorporate the imagination of Buddhism. The second stage is the stage of the development of pure poetry. "Poetry literature" is the representative of this stage. "Poetry literature" shows great attention to symbolism, continuous translation and introduction of symbolism poetry. The poetic technique of symbolism is accepted to pursue the "purity" of poetry. At the same time, it tries to explore the carve and feeling of poetry language and the main technique of poetry. The poetry of "poetry literature" is a great achievement in the course of acceptance, change and development of Korean poetry, and the pure poetry of Korea is realized. The third stage is the diversified development stage of Korean poetry. In this period, there were many schools and ideas of modernist school, "life school", National Poetry and so on. Their common characteristics were symbolism and hint as the most important factor in poetry. The influence of Symbolism on it could not be ignored. China and Han Guojun were in the 20 world. At the beginning of the period, symbolism was accepted. Although the period of acceptance was similar, there were similarities and differences between the two. China's acceptance of symbolism has the characteristics of "two yuan", that is, the origin of symbolism in France and Japan as dual media. In the period of the late 1910s and the early 20s, the poets introduced symbolism. After the mid 20s, the poets of Li Jinfa, Mu Mu Tian, Wang Duqing and other poets created symbolism poetry, and explored the development of Chinese symbolism through the grafting of symbolism and Chinese poetry. The Korean poets were introducing France. Symbolism created symbolism poetry at the same time. But they did not directly "import" symbolism from France, but they passed the translation of Japan. Therefore, the depth of understanding, the level and localization of poetry creation have a certain gap with China. Under the influence of Jin billion, from Jin Suyue's poetry, through the symbolism The use and change of the doctrine of doctrine gradually embody the characteristics of Korean symbolism. In terms of the combination of symbolism and the traditional Chinese poetic tradition, the representative figures of China are Mu Mu Tian, and Korea is golden moon. Mu Mu Tian is the symbolism poetics of China in the poetry creation, and Jin Suyue is on the basis of the tradition of Korean poetry. Using symbolism to create poetry that conforms to the national mood and rhythm. After the period of the 20s poetry creation, Chinese symbolism had a symbolism poetical theory of "pure poetry" by Liang Zongdai in 30s, and thus achieved further development. In 40s, the Chinese poetry was centered on the symbolism of the later period of the Chinese poetry. And symbolism represents the spirit and life of the times. South Korea's symbolism in the middle of the 20s, the sentimental and decadent factors gradually disappeared, the use of symbolism led to the development of pure Korean poetry. At the same time, the pursuit of modernist image, the surreal dark show, the symbol of life doctrine, and so on, reflected the internal care of the people. The pursuit of knowledge and the implicit expression of the national reality. From the sentimentalism to the pure poetry and the realization of the grafting of the modernist poetry, this is the common feature of the Chinese and Korean poetry in the process of accepting the symbolism. The symbolism has a very important position in the process of the development of Korean poetry. Due to its localization, South Korea actively explored the form and rhythm of modern free poetry. In different stages, symbolism poetics and techniques promoted the diversification and uniqueness of the development of poetry. In a word, the acceptance and foothold of symbolism enabled the Korean poetry to open the new world, the structure of poetry, the rhythm of poetry and the poetic image. The diversity of development has made a great contribution.


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