
发布时间:2018-05-20 04:28

  本文选题:金代 + 生活 ; 参考:《西北大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The 10-13 century is a historical period of collision and fusion in ancient China. Diet, as the material basis of human existence and development, is one of the most basic forms of social life and deeply influenced by historical environment. The real woman rose in the northeast area of "White Mountain and Black Water". After the war, she gradually extended the territory of Jin Dynasty to the Qinling Mountains, the Huaihe River, and ruled the territory of the northern half of China after the Liao Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty. As a result, dietary life in Jin Dynasty also absorbed the dietary customs of Liao and Northern Song dynasties. At the same time, Jin Dynasty and Liao, Song, Xixia, Mongolia and other regimes had fierce confrontation and frequent exchanges, which also had an important impact on the diet and life of Jin Dynasty. In short, from the overall point of view, the Jin Dynasty food life with the characteristics of multi-ethnic diet integration. Jin Dynasty is rich in diet and life. First of all, the diet is rich in variety. With the development of society and economy, Jin Dynasty gradually took the mute, porridge, pasta and pastry as the main food, meat and milk, vegetables, melon and fruit as non-staple food, water, wine, tea, milk, etc. Soup is the rich diet of drinks, and to the trend of agricultural products. Secondly, food processing and cooking further promote the richness of dietary life. As grain gradually became dominant in the diet, tools related to dietary processing, such as grinding, spinning, pestle and pestle, were popularized and improved, and cooking methods evolved from early extensive burnt, cooking, cooking or cooking to cereals. Steaming, boiling, frying, roasting and pickling make food more refined and exquisite. Finally, the Jin Dynasty diet customs continue to integrate and develop. On the basis of the traditional diet of the Nuzhen nationality, through the exchange of Nu Zhen, Qidan, Han, Bohai Sea, Xi and other ethnic groups, the daily meal system and seating order, the festival at the age of years, the life etiquette and other aspects of the catering customs of Liao and Song dynasties were integrated. Gradually, food entertainment, diet therapy, diet nutrition and other ideas have emerged, showing the Jin people have a further understanding of diet, and expand the diet culture. The eating utensils of Jin Dynasty are quite characteristic. The variety and texture of food utensils developed from the national communication and fusion, and promoted the changes of diet style in Jin Dynasty. In the early years, the main use of wooden dishes, bowls and other relatively simple eating utensils, with the further development of the ceramic industry in the Jin Dynasty, the emergence of bowls, pots, bottles and other ceramic food containers, cups, pots, pots and other ceramic drinking utensils. In the specific use process, gradually formed with the dagger, chopsticks, spoon, spoon and other eating tools with the use of food. From the social point of view, the Jin Dynasty dietary life, one, with a strong class differences. In Jin Dynasty, there were royal family, bureaucrats, rich people, common people and so on. The ruling class and rich people paid attention to enjoyment, entertainment and inferiority, while ordinary people often used wild herbs, bran rice to eat, and the difference of food stratum was obvious. In addition, the food utensils used by Jin people in family, banquets and religious beliefs also reflected the stratification difference of dietary life in Jin Dynasty. Second, the integration of various ethnic food culture is more obvious. The food style of Jin Dynasty is to gather the masses to eat, and the food system is the coexistence of two and three meals, which is the characteristic of the times of the Song, Liao and Jin dynasties. With the stability of the Jin Dynasty society and the deepening of the national integration, there appeared more Kaifang banquets and wine banquets in various strata, which showed the secular characteristics of the banquets in the Jin Dynasty. After a hundred years of multi-national integration and precipitation, the food culture of Jin Dynasty has played an important role in the development of the ancient Chinese diet history, and has undoubtedly laid the foundation for the multi-ethnic diet culture of the unified regime of Yuan and Ming dynasties.




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