
发布时间:2018-06-13 03:43

  本文选题:讽刺效果 + 比较文学 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, Chinese and Korean modern satire refers to the satirical novels of the historical period from 1917 to 1949 (China) and 1910 to 1945 (Korea). For China and South Korea, this is a period of barbarism and civilization, evil and justice, the confrontation between darkness and light, and the specific historical period of the struggle. In this special historical period, the Chinese and Korean Modern Satirical Literature was rooted in the ancient satirical literary soil of their own countries and accepted the theories, themes and methods of expression of foreign satire in this special historical period. With the modern satire theory of the West and China and South Korea, this paper, taking the traditional satirical art of China and South Korea as the reference, makes an omni-directional anatomy of the development course, ideological implication, narrative techniques and aesthetic features of the Chinese and South Korean satirical novels, with a view to a more objective and comprehensive understanding of the Chinese and Korean modern satire novels. This thesis is mainly composed of the following parts: the introduction first explains the concept and characteristics of satire and satire, and then expounds the significance of the topic, the current research, the scope of research and the research methods. The first chapter mainly expounds the reasons and development of the flourishing development of the Chinese and Korean modern satirical novels. There are three sources of Han and modern Satire: the ancient satirical literature and rich and colorful folk satire, foreign satirical literature, and the special historical environment of internal anxiety and external suffering. First, the history of the ancient satirical literature of the two countries was reviewed, and the inheritance of the traditional Chinese and Korean satirical novel to the traditional culture and art was discussed. Modern Korean satire has inherited the cultural essence and cultural connotation of classical Korean oral biography, fictional drama, rap drama and other traditional arts in the aspects of language characteristics, character description, and image. Chinese modern satire also inherits traditional oral literature, singing literature, classical novels and cross talk and so on in China. The Chinese and Korean modern satire novels have common features in narrative techniques, the expression of the plot, the humorous expression of popular language, the exaggeration of character description, and the imitation of drama, which stems from the generality of the two countries in the traditional art and the inheritance of the traditional literature and art of the two countries by the two countries. The difference in the specific process and method of inheritance is also one of the reasons for the difference between the Modern Satirical Novels of the two countries. Secondly, in this period, China and South Korea have carried out a large number of foreign satirical and theoretical literature translation work, which is inseparable from the vigorous development of Modern Satirical literature between the two countries. For example, Lu Xun translated the "except in the kitchen of kitchen and the white village" "The tower of elephant tower > the tower of ivory >" and "the yP auxiliary" of the crane: "thought, landscape and character"; Zhou Zuoren's Japanese satirical poem, the satirical poem of the Greek rooserie, the essays of J Wilf De, the famous British satirist, the servant of the maidservant, and the Japanese wild comedy < Li Chun >. In Korea, Cui Zairui introduced Adas Hexley's satire in the DPRK daily. On the basis of his theory, he first published the satirical literary theory of satirical theory in the history of Korean literature. Han Yi introduced the satirical novels of Gogol and other Russian novelists and published the comments on satirical literature in the East Asia daily and put forward the concept of satire. These have greatly influenced the modern satire between China and South Korea. In the end, the historical background of this period and the outline of the evolution of Chinese and Korean modern satire are expounded. Modern China and Korea are the most harsh and darkest times of society, barbarism and civilization, evil and justice, the confrontation between darkness and light, and the struggle. These two historical backgrounds give the Chinese and Korean Modern Satirical Novels a flourishing hair. The exhibition provides a historical stage. The emergence of the satirical novel in this period is the result of the contemporary writers' understanding of these chaotic situations and the result of the literary response. The second chapter focuses on the multiple themes of the Chinese and Korean Modern Satirical Novels. It takes up the pen, exposes the various contradictions in the real life, reveals the various kinds of characters in life, especially the false facades of some characters, exposes their inner essence, but also shows how the oppressed people struggle and struggle in the suffering. First, the social contradictions and darkness are the rule system of the time. The inevitable product, to eliminate the darkness, had to overthrow the dark system itself. Therefore, the Chinese and Korean satiriers first directed their criticism to the social and political system of the time, and to the bureaucracy, politicians, intellectuals, philistine, swindlers and clowns that were active in the colonial and semi colonial context of the social and historical context. We have carried out a merciless disclosure and attack to keep them from being saved. Secondly, the modern Chinese and South Korea have opened a profound social thought and cultural change after the new "54" new cultural movement and the "opening period movement". Therefore, some so-called "new personages" deny the traditional culture and "reevaluate everything". "Value" requires a large number of western culture, even "full Westernization". The actual situation is far from complex, and the acceptance and absorption of culture is not a barrier. Some people blend and mix the two cultures and mix new and old, but the "new" is only the skin of the new culture, and they only learn the material enjoyment of the westerners, They have not learned the essence of Western civilization, such as the core spirit of Western civilization, "science", "democracy", "equality", "competition", and other Western civilizations. In the end, the Chinese and Korean writers in this period have a high degree of human meaning and pay attention to the true human nature in their works. For the world literature of the twentieth Century, "turning inward" is the trend of literature development, from the external description of people to the description of the human mind, the true human nature, and the true human nature. The antennae of art extends to the hidden corner of human nature and enriches the description of human nature in literature. For the time being, Chinese and Korean ideological circles, the pioneers of the cultural circles pay great attention to the problem of human nature, and raise the human nature of the people as a key issue for the development of social progress. The universal nature of human nature, especially the "evil" side, reflects the changes of the times and society with the distortion and variation of human nature. The irony of Chinese and Korean modern novels, with political satire, moral satire, world satire and human satire, exposes and satirize the dark and decadent social reality of the two countries in the first half of the twentieth Century. The third chapter studies the writing skills and satire effects of the Chinese and Korean Modern Satirical Novels. The first section discusses the narrative method of the satirical novel. The satirical novel aims at criticizing and correcting the real society, and the satirical novel's criticism and attack on the satirical object are circuitous and indirect. The writer's intention and theme will be persuaded to persuade the reader that the satirical novel needs to be communicated with the reader with a unique technique, and this technique is a narrative method. The narrative method can be divided into three types. The first type is to adjust the distance between the narrative distance and the distance between the implied writer and the narrator and the distance between the person and the implied reader. Change the reader's attitude to satire to improve the satire. When the narrative distance between the implied writer and the narrator is near, the reader can resonate with the narrator. When the narrative distance is far away, the reader can take an objective and critical attitude to the narrator. The second types are oral narration. Sexual talk refers to dialogue with the realistic readers of every cultural class in the society in the form of daily spoken language. Oral talk is used by readers, and annotating narrative methods can make readers resonate with the author's intention easily and achieve satire effect. The third types are to strengthen dialogue. The narrative method of satirical fiction is, in the final analysis, to make the satirical and satirical purposes inexplicit in the article, and to make contributions to the readers. In the second section, the method of satire is discussed. Satire refers to the author's tone. The sarcasm (or emotion) made up of sarcasm (or emotion), which is made of ironic rhetoric, is often unthought, which is known as an intuitional ironic composition. There are many ironic rhetorical devices in the Chinese and Korean Modern Satirical Novels. In this section, there are many rhetorical devices in this section, such as parody, irony, parody, hyperbole, metaphor, misinterpretation, and analogy. The fourth chapter is the aesthetic style of the Chinese and Korean satirical novels. First, through the analysis of the tragic satire novels in China and Korea, the expression form, emotional mode and aesthetic style of tragic satire novels are discussed. Then, the expression form, emotional mode and aesthetic style of the Chinese and South Korean comic satire novels are discussed. According to the theory of ugliness, the expression and artistic value of "Ugliness" as a special aesthetic form in Chinese and Korean modern satirical novel are discussed. There are a lot of description of "Ugliness" in the Chinese and Korean modern novels, and the "Ugliness" in the satirical novel is one of the unique ways for the satirist to look at the world. The role of aesthetic connection between the real world is studied. First, the expression of "Ugliness" and its modern satire in China and Korea is studied. According to the theory of "Ugliness" by Rosenkranz (Rosenkranz), ugliness is divided into four kinds: natural ugliness, appearance ugliness, spiritual ugliness and artistic ugliness. In this section, the "Ugliness" of the first three forms is examined in this section. In the modern Chinese and Korean satire novels, if they evolve into the ugliness of art, the aesthetic value of art ugliness is discussed. Finally, the similarities and differences in the artistic style of the Chinese and Korean modern satire novels are summarized.


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