
发布时间:2018-06-25 05:51

  本文选题:民国时期 + 藏曲活动 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:藏曲活动渊源已久,今于宋元时期藏书家目录、戏曲目录、学人笔记及文集中多有记载,然而在古代八百年藏曲活动的发展历史中,因秘而不宣的藏曲观念及戏曲从未进入学术研究视野等多种因素的影响,古代藏曲活动显而不彰,如此不但藏曲未能长存不散,也未能对古代戏曲研究产生重要影响。 民国时期,随着西学东渐中国俗文学研究的兴起,在社会的大变革大动荡中,由学人个体肩负起的藏曲活动不但在保护中国古籍文献与文化上发挥了重要作用,而且对现代戏曲学的建构产生了重要影响。相较古代藏曲活动,民国时期藏曲活动在藏曲者、藏曲观念、藏曲范围、藏曲作用等方面发生了一些新变。首先,,藏曲者身份多为戏曲研究者或是戏曲艺术家,他们或以戏曲表演为业,或以戏曲研究为业,藏曲之目的旨在学术研究,而在藏曲者间的藏曲活动交流及戏曲学交流极为频繁,国内戏曲研究者共同创办戏曲研究团体、互访戏曲文献,相讨戏曲研究中的各类问题;我国学者与日本学者者之间也互动频繁,不但为戏曲学保存了珍稀文献,也互相影响了他们戏曲文献的收藏范围及戏曲研究。其次,民国时期藏曲观念之新变对戏曲进入现代学术研究产生重要影响,戏曲研究者为研究需要而勤勉地搜集戏曲文献,提升了戏曲文献的价值,为戏曲学发展奠定了实证性研究基础。第三,民国时期藏曲范围相较我国传统藏曲,收藏范围由元曲杂剧、明清传奇等文人案头文献扩展至梨园抄本、曲谱、身段谱等民间场上文献,拓展了戏曲研究领域,由是民国时期藏曲数量蔚为大观。第四,民国时期私家藏曲的作用不但体现在文献的保存、整理、编纂出版方面为戏曲学奠定了坚实基础,而且对近代戏曲学体系的完善有实质影响,在戏曲史研究、戏曲文献研究、戏曲理论研究、戏曲剧场演出研究等方面推动了戏曲学的建构。 论文通过系统整理民国时期私家藏曲活动相关史料,在中国藏曲发展史与戏曲学发展史视野下,将藏曲活动视为现代戏曲学实际发生及演变的存在方式,考察在民国藏曲活动中戏曲学的创建与变迁,考释民国时期私家藏曲者的藏曲实绩与取得戏曲学术成就。
[Abstract]:Tibetan music activities have a long history. In the Song and Yuan dynasties, the bibliography of collectors, opera catalogues, scholars' notes and collections are often recorded. However, in the history of the development of Tibetan music activities in ancient times of 800 years, Because of the secret Tibetan music idea and the drama never entered the academic research field of vision, the ancient Tibetan music activity is not obvious, thus not only the Tibetan music can not only survive, but also cannot have the important influence to the ancient opera research. During the period of the Republic of China, with the rise of the study of western learning and the spread of Chinese vulgar literature, in the great changes and upheavals of society, the Tibetan music activities shouldered by the scholars not only played an important role in protecting the ancient Chinese literature and culture, but also played an important role in protecting the ancient Chinese literature and culture. Moreover, it has an important influence on the construction of modern opera theory. Compared with the activities of ancient Tibetan music, the activities of Tibetan music in the period of the Republic of China have undergone some new changes in the Tibetan music, the concept of Tibetan music, the scope of Tibetan music, the role of Tibetan music, and so on. First of all, Tibetans are mostly opera researchers or opera artists. They either take the opera performance as their career or study the opera. The purpose of Tibetan opera is to study it academically. However, Tibetan opera activities and operatics exchanges among Tibetan opera practitioners are very frequent. Domestic opera researchers jointly set up opera research groups, exchange visits to opera literature, and discuss all kinds of problems in opera research. The interaction between Chinese scholars and Japanese scholars is also frequent, which not only preserves rare literature for opera, but also influences the scope of their opera literature collection and opera research. Secondly, the new concept of Tibetan opera in the period of the Republic of China had an important impact on the modern academic study of opera. Opera researchers diligently collected opera literature for the research needs, which promoted the value of opera literature. It lays a solid foundation for the development of opera. Thirdly, the range of Tibetan music in the period of the Republic of China is compared with the traditional Tibetan music of our country. The scope of the collection has been extended from the Yuan Opera, the Ming and Qing legends and other literati desk documents to the transcripts of the pear garden, the qu spectrum, the body music and other folk field documents, which has expanded the field of opera research. Therefore, the number of Tibetan songs in the period of the Republic of China has become a great sight. Fourth, the role of private Tibetan music in the Republic of China not only reflected in the preservation, collation, compilation and publication of the literature laid a solid foundation for the study of opera, but also had a substantial impact on the improvement of the modern opera system, in the study of the history of opera. The study of drama literature, the theory of opera and the study of theatrical theatres promote the construction of opera theory. By systematically sorting out the relevant historical data of private Tibetan music activities in the Republic of China, this paper regards Tibetan opera activities as the actual occurrence and evolution of modern opera under the perspective of the development history of Tibetan opera in China and the history of opera studies. This paper investigates the creation and changes of the opera theory in the activities of the Republic of China, and studies the achievements of the private Tibetans in the period of the Republic of China and the academic achievements of the opera.


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