
发布时间:2018-06-25 22:37

  本文选题:服饰名物词 + 服色词 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The research object of this paper is the upper ancient Chinese dress vocabulary, including the upper ancient Chinese dress name word, the upper ancient Chinese dress color word, the upper ancient Chinese dress material word, belongs to the specific semantic category. Based on the research results of traditional exegetics and the methods of traditional exegetics and modern lexicology, this paper draws lessons from the theory of sememe analysis and cognitive metonymy. This paper mainly describes the static distribution and semantic difference of Chinese dress words at the synchronic level in ancient times, and tries to reveal the rules of lexical evolution and word meaning evolution at the diachronic level. First of all, according to the semantic features of 415 dress words closely related to dress contents in ancient times, they are divided into three categories: dress words, color words, dress materials words. Then we divide the categories into smaller levels, and then use the "word item attribute Analysis Table" to analyze the semantic properties of the word items under each category, and generate the analysis of the attributes and usage attributes, so as to find out the semantic differences of the word items. The origin and evolution of word meaning. Secondly, on the basis of synchronic static description of word meaning system, this paper studies the evolution of costume words in ancient Chinese from a diachronic point of view, focusing on the analysis of the emergence, death and extinction of dress words. On the basis of description, this paper analyzes the characteristics of lexical evolution and the external factors, such as language internal factors and social culture, which lead to the evolution of dress vocabulary. Thirdly, from the angle of diachronic dynamics, this paper describes the evolution of the word meaning of the dress words in ancient Chinese, and makes a comprehensive investigation of the extension of the word meaning of the dress name words, the color words and the dress materials words in the ancient period, and analyzes the extension path and the type of the word meaning extension. This paper probes into the extended features of the word meaning of the dress words in ancient Chinese. Finally, on the basis of the analysis of the development and evolution of the word meaning of the costume words in ancient Chinese, this paper focuses on the phenomenon of the extension of the word meaning of the dress words in the upper ancient Chinese under the function of metonymy cognition. This paper discusses the motivation and cognitive mechanism of metonymy extension of costume words in ancient Chinese. As a study of the age of the special category vocabulary in ancient Chinese, based on the principle of the combination of quantitative examination and qualitative analysis, this paper makes an exhaustive survey of the vocabulary related to dress meaning found in dictionaries and word books. Combining statistical data with typical example sentences, this paper investigates the meaning characteristics and evolution rules of words. In order to fully understand the systematic composition and the evolution of the word meaning, on the one hand, the static description of the costume word in the ancient Chinese is carried out at the synchronic level, in order to obtain the basic appearance of the system structure of the dress word in the ancient times; On the other hand, it analyzes the evolution of the diachronic process of costume words in ancient Chinese, including the evolution of lexical composition as well as the rules of word meaning evolution. Dress word is a cultural word. In the study, based on the principle of the combination of historical documents and cultural reference, we strive to analyze the meaning of dress words more concretely, and to analyze the semantic differences of the same category words in more detail.




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