
发布时间:2018-08-08 19:20
【摘要】:民国时期是唐诗学史上的一个关捩点,此期古典唐诗学走向终结,现代意义上的唐诗学处于开启阶段,随着陈寅恪、闻一多、杨启高等学者对唐诗的深入研究,“唐诗学”学科得以形成。此期唐诗学思想丰厚,当时的诗话、唐代诗歌史、唐诗选本、唐诗研究专著及研究论文中包含着丰富的唐诗学思想。对这些唐诗学思想进行挖掘,有助于进一步深化唐诗学的研究。本论文拟在从唐至清学术史梳理的基础上,对民国时期的唐诗学进行系统研究。 本论文共分为六部分: 第一部分为绪论,综述唐诗学的研究现状、选题意义,界定本论文的研究对象,分析研究的可行性及论文的创新、价值与不足。 第一章民国时期唐诗学形成的社会背景。本章从民国时期的社会环境、本土文化思潮与外来文化思潮三个方面分析了民国时期唐诗学形成的社会文化背景。 第二章民国时期唐诗研究的方法。论文从把民国时期的唐诗学方法分为社会学研究法、文化学研究法和文艺学研究法三种,分别对这三种研究方法进行了理论总结。 第三章民国时期唐诗学的发展历程。论文把民国时期分为三段,对每一段的唐诗学成果进行了详细统计,在此基础上,对每一阶段唐诗学的概况进行了系统总结。 第四章唐诗史论。在回溯唐诗分期及各期地位论学术史的基础上,首先,论文对民国时期唐诗分期及各期地位论的相关学术观点进行梳理。其次,论文对民国时期学者关于唐诗历史地位论的主要学术观点进行梳理。再次,论文对民国时期学者关于唐诗兴盛原因的主要学术观点进行梳理。 第五章唐诗艺术论。在回溯唐诗艺术论研究学术史的基础上,对民国时期学者关于唐诗艺术论的相关学术观点进行梳理。 第六章唐诗体派论。在回溯唐诗体派研究学术史的基础上,对民国时期唐诗体论和流派论的相关学术观点进行梳理。 第七章,唐代诗人个案研究。对民国时期对唐代五位大诗人李白、杜甫、李商隐、李贺、白居易研究的主要学术观点进行了梳理。 第八章唐诗学思想分论。论文以民国第一期、民国第二期、民国第三期主要学者的唐诗学思想为线索,分别对每一时期的唐诗学思想进行了阐释。其中论文重点对王国维、闻一多、陈寅恪、黄节、钱钟书、胡云翼、杨启高七位学者在民国时期的唐诗学思想及其唐诗学方法进行了系统阐释。 总之,民国时期,随着西学东渐,科学的学术方法被运用于唐诗学研究之中,现代唐诗学研究学术规范逐渐形成,唐诗学的理论体系得到确立,出现了一批唐诗学专家,唐诗学研究走向了自觉。此期历史学、文艺学、文献学、社会学研究的融通拓展了唐诗学研究的理论境界。民国时期的唐诗研究在方法论和理论建树方面对当代唐诗研究产生了深远影响。
[Abstract]:The period of the Republic of China is a key point in the history of Tang poetics. In this period, the classical poetics of Tang Dynasty is coming to an end, and the study of Tang poetics in the modern sense is in an opening stage. With the in-depth study of Tang poetry by Chen Yinke, Wen Yiduo, Yang Qicao and other scholars. The subject of Tang Poetry was formed. Tang poetics thought was rich in this period. The poems of the time, the history of Tang poetry, the anthology of Tang poetry, the monographs of Tang poetry research and the research papers contained abundant Tang poetics thoughts. It is helpful to further deepen the study of Tang poetics. On the basis of combing the academic history of Tang and Qing dynasties, this thesis makes a systematic study of Tang poetics in the Republic of China. This thesis is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, which summarizes the current research situation, the significance of the selected topic, defines the research object, analyzes the feasibility of the research and the innovation, value and deficiency of the thesis. The first chapter is the social background of the formation of Tang poetics during the Republic of China. This chapter analyzes the social and cultural background of Tang poetics in the period of the Republic of China from three aspects: the social environment, the trend of thought of native culture and the trend of thought of foreign culture. The second chapter is the research methods of Tang poetry during the Republic of China. The thesis classifies Tang poetics methods into three kinds: sociological research, culturology and literature and art research, and summarizes the three research methods in theory. Chapter three: the development of Tang poetics during the Republic of China. The thesis divides the period of the Republic of China into three sections, and makes detailed statistics on the achievements of Tang poetics in each section. On this basis, the general situation of Tang poetics in each stage is systematically summarized. The fourth chapter is about the history of Tang poetry. On the basis of reviewing the period of Tang poetry and the academic history of the status theory of each period, the thesis firstly combs the relevant academic viewpoints of the stage of Tang poetry and the status theory in each period of the Republic of China. Secondly, the thesis combs the main academic views of scholars in the period of the Republic of China on the historical position of Tang poetry. Thirdly, the thesis combs the main academic viewpoints of the scholars in the period of the Republic of China on the reasons for the prosperity of Tang poetry. The fifth chapter is about the art of Tang poetry. On the basis of reviewing the academic history of the art theory of Tang poetry, this paper combs the relevant academic viewpoints of the scholars in the period of the Republic of China on the art theory of Tang poetry. The sixth chapter is about the style of Tang poetry. On the basis of reviewing the academic history of Tang poetry school, this paper combs the relevant academic viewpoints of Tang poetry style theory and school theory during the Republic of China. Chapter seven, the case study of Tang Dynasty poet. In the period of the Republic of China, the main academic viewpoints of the five great poets Li Bai, du Fu, Li Shangyin, Li he and Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty were combed. The eighth chapter is about the theory of Tang poetics. Taking the Tang poetics thought of the first period of the Republic of China, the second period of the Republic of China and the third period of the Republic of China as the clue, the thesis explains the Tang poetics thought of each period. Among them, seven scholars, including Wang Guowei, Wen Yiduo, Chen Yinke, Yellow Festival, Qian Zhongshu, Hu Yunyi and Yang Qicao, systematically explained the Tang poetics and the methods of Tang poetics in the period of the Republic of China. In a word, during the period of the Republic of China, with the development of western learning and the application of scientific academic methods to the study of Tang poetics, the academic norms of modern Tang poetics were gradually formed, the theoretical system of Tang poetics was established, and a group of Tang poetics experts appeared. The study of Tang poetics moved towards self-consciousness. The combination of history, literature and art, philology and sociology has expanded the theoretical realm of Tang poetics. The study of Tang poetry during the period of the Republic of China has exerted a profound influence on the study of contemporary Tang poetry in terms of methodology and theoretical achievements.


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