
发布时间:2018-11-11 14:06
【摘要】:近二十年来,负反馈研究一直是二语习得领域的研究重点。在考察负反馈与学习者即时回答之间关系时,目前相关研究存在两点问题:一是现有负反馈分类框架在指向和类别上存在缺陷;二是研究者主要从认知角度考察两者之间的关系,对于负反馈促进语言习得的过程却罕有涉及。本研究具有双重研究目的:一是构建既指向学习者语言形式错误,又针对其内容问题的负反馈分类体系,之后在新分类框架下,采用定量分析方法考察负反馈与学习者即时回答之间的关系;二是运用语篇分析方法,对负反馈促进语言习得的过程进行动态考察。南京某高校875名学生参与了该研究。教师在课堂上对其与学生配对互动进行录音,录音持续11周,共计13小时50分钟。研究者之后转写录音、分析语料。本研究结果如下:(1)在大学英语课堂,学习者出现的错误或问题主要有五种类型:词汇错误、语音错误、句法错误、内容问题和母语使用。学习者词汇错误和语音错误比内容问题更加可能引发教师的负反馈;句法错误引发负反馈的可能性最小。(2)基于现有文献和收集的语料,本研究构建了新的负反馈分类框架。新框架包括三大类别:由形式错误引发的负反馈,由内容问题引发的负反馈和翻译式反馈,其中翻译式反馈是新设立类别。新框架中有三个子类为首次发现:正误式反馈、意义重复和翻译式反馈:但文献中的四个子类在本研究语料中没有出现:元语言反馈、疑问句式孤立重铸(有语用提示)、疑问句式合并重铸和疑问句式合并重铸(有语用提示)。(3)在所有负反馈类型中,重铸的使用最为频繁。这些重铸通常为陈述句,没有语用提示,且多是独立出现。(4)语料中发现的学习者即时回答有四种类别:认可、修补、需要修补和汉语式修补,其中第四种为新发现类别。(5)负反馈数量和学习者修补数量不成正比。在重铸后的学习者即时回答中,修补占41%。具体而言,在陈述句式孤立重铸之后,学习者能够纠正一半以上的错误;而在陈述句式合并重铸之后,学习者仅能纠正1/5的错误。(6)在由负反馈和学习者即时回答构成的师生配对协商中,由5个话轮或3个话轮组成的协商模式最为常用,由6个以上话轮组成的协商模式很少使用。此外,一轮负反馈未必能够导致学习者修补,修补可能是多轮负反馈导致的结果。(7)本研究语料中只有大约一半的协商模式能够符合Varonis and Gass(1985)的非母语者协商模型,因此,基于该模型,本研究构建了师生配对互动中负反馈和修补协商模型。新模型显示,从负反馈到学习者修补的过程中既有单向式运行,也有多层面运行。通过这些简单或复杂的运行,学习者在教师负反馈之后产生修补,并最终促进语言习得。
[Abstract]:In the past two decades, negative feedback has been the focus in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). When examining the relationship between negative feedback and learners' instant response, there are two problems in the current research: first, the existing negative feedback classification framework has defects in direction and category; The other is that the researchers mainly examine the relationship between them from the perspective of cognition, but rarely deal with the process of negative feedback to promote language acquisition. The purpose of this study is twofold: one is to construct a negative feedback classification system, which not only points to the learners' formal errors but also addresses their content problems, and then under the new classification framework. Quantitative analysis was used to investigate the relationship between negative feedback and learners' instant response. The second is to investigate the process of negative feedback promoting language acquisition by discourse analysis. The study involved 875 students from a university in Nanjing. Teachers record their interaction with students in class for 11 weeks for a total of 13 hours and 50 minutes. The researcher then transcribes the recording and analyzes the corpus. The results are as follows: (1) there are five main types of errors or problems in college English classroom: lexical errors, phonetic errors, syntactic errors, content problems and native language use. Learners' vocabulary errors and phonological errors are more likely to lead to negative feedback than content problems. Syntactic errors are least likely to lead to negative feedback. (2) based on existing literature and collected data, a new negative feedback classification framework is proposed. The new framework consists of three categories: negative feedback caused by formal errors, negative feedback caused by content problems and translation feedback, among which translation feedback is a newly established category. For the first time, three subcategories of the new framework are found: positive and false feedback, repetition of meaning and translation feedback. However, four subclasses in the literature are not found in the present study: meta linguistic feedback, question sentence isolated recasting (pragmatic hint). Among all the negative feedback types, recasting is most frequently used in interrogative sentence combination recasting and interrogative sentence merging recasting (). (3 with pragmatic cues). These recasts are usually declarative sentences, without pragmatic cues, and most of them appear independently. (4) the learners found in the corpus have four types of immediate responses: recognition, repair, need to repair and Chinese repair. (5) the number of negative feedback is not proportional to the number of learner patches. Repair accounts for 41% of the recast learners' instant answers. In particular, learners can correct more than half of the errors after the narrative sentence has been reconstructed in isolation. However, after reconstructing the statement structure, the learner can only correct one-fifth of the errors. (6) in the teacher-student pairing negotiation composed of negative feedback and learner's immediate answer, the negotiation model consisting of five or three rounds is the most commonly used. Negotiation models consisting of more than six rounds are rarely used. In addition, one round of negative feedback may not lead to learners' repair, and repair may be the result of multiple rounds of negative feedback. (7) only about half of the negotiation models in the present study can conform to the Varonis and Gass (1985) non-native speaker negotiation model. Therefore, based on this model, the model of negative feedback and repair negotiation in teacher-student pairing interaction is constructed. The new model shows that there are unidirectional and multi-level operations in the process from negative feedback to learner repair. Through these simple or complex operations, the learner can repair the teacher's negative feedback and ultimately promote language acquisition.




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