
发布时间:2018-11-21 09:33
[Abstract]:From the macro perspective of national language strategy, this paper comprehensively reviews the historical process of Chinese international promotion in China, and introduces the language promotion policies of the United States, Japan, South Korea and some developed countries in Europe, including the United States of America, Japan, South Korea and some developed countries in Europe. The establishment of language promotion organizations and other aspects of the investigation and research. By comparing a lot of data and materials, this paper probes into some problems existing in the process of Chinese international popularization in China, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions. This paper consists of eight chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, including the reason of the topic, the definition of the research object, the basic concept of the key words, the significance of the research, the theoretical background and the research framework. The second chapter is the literature review part. Firstly, the research on the international promotion of Chinese is analyzed. Secondly, the author combs the research on the teaching materials of the international promotion of Chinese, discusses the quality of teachers, the cultivation of the teachers and the construction of the staff, and finally introduces the research situation of the Confucius Institute. The third chapter focuses on the history of Chinese international promotion, and briefly introduces the management system, Confucius Institute, Chinese proficiency examination, international communication and cooperation. The fourth chapter makes a comparative analysis of the strategies and implementation of language promotion in various countries. Taking the United Kingdom, France, Japan, South Korea and the United States as the main objects of study, on the basis of comparative study, the experience and enlightenment of the language promotion policies of various countries are obtained. The fifth chapter objectively describes the current situation of the international promotion of Chinese. According to the annual report of Confucius Institute and other materials, the data of Confucius Institute in the past 10 years are summarized, classified, compared, studied and summarized from the data. Find some rules of Confucius Institute in the international promotion of Chinese. The sixth chapter mainly analyzes some problems faced by the international promotion of Chinese, and explains the problems from the angle of opportunity and challenge, and analyzes the strategy, system, fund, project and so on. The seventh chapter focuses on the problems facing the international promotion of Chinese, probes into the possibility of diversification of the extension mode and the relevant policies, and proposes to raise funds for the international promotion of Chinese through multiple channels. To improve the quality of international Chinese education and establish a corresponding quality evaluation system. The eighth chapter is the conclusion, which is a comprehensive summary of the content of the paper, and points out the shortcomings and shortcomings of this study, as well as some research that has not been discussed in time.


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