[Abstract]:While autonomous learning is not a new concept in foreign language teaching and learning, it is novel for the African continent and Nigeria. This paper, based on the concept of autonomous learning, puts forward a new and practical method to be integrated into the French teaching and study of the University of Nigeria. Why do you want to learn autonomously? French teaching is a long time in Nigeria, but students still face many problems. Many studies have been committed to changing the situation without a study in the area of autonomous learning. After many years of observation and thinking, the author believes that it is necessary to try a different method, i.e., self-study, to solve the problems of French teaching and learning in the University of Nigeria. This will give students an opportunity to take new forms of learning to help them more actively participate in the study. This is the purpose of this study. Autonomous learning requires the redefinition of the passive role of the students in the traditional sense, and the re-positioning of past learning experiences and expectations (Chan,2001). That is, the learner should have the ability to self-study, critical thinking, and independent decision-making, as well as the learner's ability to determine the goals and objectives independently and systematically and effectively (Holec 1981; Little,1991; Benson,2001). In the course of self-learning, the teacher needs to play a great role, but is far from the traditional role of the teacher. The teacher has become a promoter, a mentor, a consultant, a partner, work side by side with a learner, and does not determine or dominate the learning process, but rather provides resources and tells the learner how to learn, that is, how to develop an autonomous learning strategy. The teacher, as a mentor, uses a more active way to guide the learners to improve their abilities and systematize them (Benson,2001). By listening and observing the learner, the teacher plays a catalytic role in promoting the learning and monitoring the progress of the learner in real time (Borg,2001). By combining the theory of social constructivism and the independent learning framework of Littlewood (1996) and Tassinari (2012), the author has formed the thought and framework of the thesis after thinking about the definition of modern (LittleBenson et al.) and traditional (Holec) self-learning founder. These help to understand what is autonomous learning and lay the foundation for the direction of the study. This paper also reviews the relevant research articles and papers, analyzes the research contents of the scholars in the world, and how they apply the independent learning theory to the teaching practice. This paper is an empirical study, and the method of quantitative and qualitative research is adopted. In the first phase of the quantitative survey, the author conducted a questionnaire to the French-speaking learners of the University of Nigeria. The learner samples were randomly selected and 200 feedback responses were obtained. The study of the above problems can reflect the learner's self-learning level through the investigation of the above problems. In the second phase of the quantitative study, we recovered 182 questionnaires. Through their feedback to the classroom teaching activities and practice, we have found the effect of the classroom teaching activities on the learners. The results show that the non-conscious application of the self-learning elements in the teaching influences the learner's basic ideas and behavior. The study used the STATA software to analyze the obtained data and to discuss the results. In the aspect of qualitative research, this paper selects 32 teacher samples from 50 target teachers to interview and understand their basic ideas, impressions and beliefs about self-learning. The author also points out the teaching significance of this study, and puts forward the way to integrate the self-study into the French foreign language teaching and study of the Nigerian university in the form of practical operation. So that the case can be more easily imitated. Finally, how to further improve after the progress has been made. In the conclusion of the study, it is suggested that Nigeria should further deepen the study in this area, namely, to further explore the question of autonomous learning: how to implement and what problems may be encountered. We believe that the integration of autonomous learning into the language learning system can give students the freedom to complete their learning tasks and self-evaluation. To solve the problems of existing teaching and learning, there is still a long way to go, which can not only have a positive influence on their learning, but also make them better participate in the competition of their peers in the world. At the same time, the teacher and the education system will benefit greatly.
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