
发布时间:2021-03-19 13:30

【文章来源】:西南大学重庆市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:174 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research questions and significance
    1.3 Research methodology
    1.4 Layout of the dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Images in classic Chinese poetry
    2.2 Image-G in classic Chinese poetry
    2.3 Research on image translation
        2.3.1 Image translation from traditional perspectives
        2.3.2 Image translation from cognitive perspectives
    2.4 Research on image-G actualization
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Embodiment and experiential basis of image-G
        3.2.1 The embodied view of experientialism in cognitive linguistic research
        3.2.2 Experiential nature of embodiment of image-G
    3.3 Construal of image-G
        3.3.1 Construal theory and construal of image-G
        3.3.2 Construal principles of image-G recognition
        3.3.3 Construal dimensions of image-G
    3.4 Image-G construal mode
    3.5 Theoretical framework of the present study
Chapter Four Translators' Construal of Image-G in Source Text
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Aesthetic embodied basis for translators' construal of image-G
        4.2.1 Aesthetic perception of image-G
        4.2.2 Aesthetic actualization of image-G
        4.2.3 Aesthetic representation of image-G
    4.3 Gestalt characteristics of translators' recognition of image-G
        4.3.1 Gestalt characteristic of closure
        4.3.2 Gestalt characteristic of good continuity
        4.3.3 Gestalt characteristic of similarity
        4.3.4 Gestalt characteristic of proximity
        4.3.5 Gestalt characteristic of symmetry
    4.4 Cognitive dimensions of translators' construal of image-G
        4.4.1 Profiling of image-G in textual space
        4.4.2 Specificity of image-G in textual space
        4.4.3 Prominence of image-G in textual space
        4.4.4 Perspective of image-G in textual space
        4.4.5 Metaphor of image-G in textual space
    4.5 Representation of image-G in literary discourse space
        4.5.1 Representation of image-G at lexical level
        4.5.2 Representation of image-G at sentential level
        4.5.3 Representation of image-G at textual level
    4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Translators' Construction of Image-G in Target Text
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Complete correspondence
    5.3 Inclusive correspondence
    5.4 Crossed correspondence
    5.5 Disrelation
    5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Cognitive Translation Strategies of Image-G Actualization
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Image-G preservation strategy
        6.2.1 Analogous substitution of equivalent prototype categories
        6.2.2 A case study
    6.3 Image-G reinforcement strategy
        6.3.1 Internalization of poetic cultural cognitive models
        6.3.2 A case study
    6.4 Image-G restructuring strategy
        6.4.1 Reappearance of image-G based on discourse intertextuality of Gestalt attributes
        6.4.2 A case study
    6.5 Image-G accretion strategy
        6.5.1 Supplement of semantic slots of default value
        6.5.2 A case study
    6.6 Image-G modulation strategy
        6.6.1 Adaption of image-G based on composite deployment of different scenario/scene modes
        6.6.2 A case study
    6.7 Summary
Chapter Seven Appraisal of Cognitive Translation Strategies: A Contrastive Analysis of Three Translated Versions of Jiangxue
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Images and image-G in Jiangxue
    7.3 Cognitive translation strategies adopted in three translated versions
        7.3.1 Xu Yuanchong's translated version
        7.3.2 Witter Bynner's translated version
        7.3.3 Zhang Mengjin's translated version
    7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
    8.1 Research findings
    8.2 Research limitations and research prospects

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