
发布时间:2021-03-25 03:12

【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:377 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Personal motivation
    1.3 Statement of purpose
    1.4 Scope of the study
    1.5 Significance of the study
    1.6 Overview of the dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Studies on teachers
        2.2.1 Teacher research:Necessities and significances
        2.2.2 Beliefs and practices:The duality of teacher research
        2.2.3 Teaching,research,and teacher learning:The realization of teacherdevelopment
    2.3 Studies on teacher agency
        2.3.1 Delineating related issues:Teacher agency,teacher identity,andbeyond
        2.3.2 Reviewing empirical studies on teacher agency:Findings andachievements
        2.3.3 Focusing on language teacher agency:Current issues and foci of thepresent study
    2.4 Studies on female teachers'professional development
        2.4.1 From entries to exits:Different stages in a teaching career
        2.4.2 Gender identity,work-life balance,and female teacher agency
        2.4.3 From survival to thrival:Female teachers'professional development
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Theorizing agency
        3.2.1 The chordal triad of agency
        3.2.2 Facets of agency:Beliefs,competence,and personality
        3.2.3 Modes of agency:Individual,proxy,and collective
    3.3 Theoretical perspectives
        3.3.1 Self-discrepancy theory
        3.3.2 Positioning theory
        3.3.3 Life course theory
        3.3.4 Bioecological perspectives on human development
        3.3.5 The pertinence of the above-mentioned theories to the current study
    3.4 The social turn of language teachers'professional development
        3.4.1 Micro factors:Personal level
        3.4.2 Mezzo factors:Interpersonal level
        3.4.3 Macro factors:Social level
    3.5 A tentative theoretical framework
    3.6 Defining key terms in this study
        3.6.1 EFL teachers'professional development
        3.6.2 EFL teachers'professional agency
        3.6.3 EFL teachers'agency beliefs
        3.6.4 EFL teachers'agency competence
        3.6.5 EFL teachers'agency inclination
    3.7 Summary
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 The methodological approach
        4.2.1 Normative worldviews vs.interpretive worldviews
        4.2.2 Quantitative,qualitative,and mixed-methods approach
        4.2.3 Qualitative methods to fit the purpose of the study
    4.3 The research setting
    4.4 Participants
        4.4.1 Identification of the participants
        4.4.2 Biographical vignettes of the participants
    4.5 Data collection
        4.5.1 Overview of the data collection
        4.5.2 Background information
        4.5.3 Qualitative interviews
        4.5.4 Observation
        4.5.5 Documents and artifacts
    4.6 Data analysis
        4.6.1 Rationale for data analysis
        4.6.2 Transcribing the data
        4.6.3 Analyzing the data
    4.7 Trustworthiness and ethical issues
        4.7.1 Trustworthiness
        4.7.2 Ethical considerations
    4.8 The researcher's perspective
        4.8.1 The researcher's identity
        4.8.2 The researcher's role
        4.8.3 The co-construction of relationships
    4.9 Methodological limitations
        4.9.1 Limitations
        4.9.2 Delimitations
    4.10 Summary
Chapter Five The Spinning Top:Zoey's Aspirations to Reach New Heights inCareer
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Zoey's profile
    5.3 Zoey's agency beliefs:Her epistemic cognition
        5.3.1 Skills and horizons:Zoey's agency beliefs in teaching
        5.3.2 Faiths and rigor:Zoey's agency beliefs in research
        5.3.3 An unremitting pursuit:Zoey's agency beliefs in teacher learning
    5.4 Zoey's agency competence:Her enacted behavior
        5.4.1 Adapting and experimenting:Zoey's agency competence in teaching
        5.4.2 Shifting and positioning:Zoey's agency competence in research
        5.4.3“I always pushed myself forward”:Zoey's agency competence inteacher learning
    5.5 Zoey's agency inclination:Her attitudes and emotions
        5.5.1 Morality and affinity:Zoey's agency inclination in teaching
        5.5.2 Being painful and pleasurable:Zoey's agency inclination in research
        5.5.3“Self-regulation makes me free”:Zoey's agency inclination in teacherlearning
    5.6 Contextual influences on Zoey's professional agency
        5.6.1 Individual dimension:Attributes and capabilities
        5.6.2 Proximal dimension:Significant others
        5.6.3 Distal dimension:Macro-social conditions
    5.7 Chapter discussion and summary
Chapter Six The Rainbow:Wendy's Delicate Emotions to Mediate between herProfessional Beliefs and Practices
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Wendy's profile
    6.3 Wendy's agency beliefs:Her epistemic cognition
        6.3.1 The pursuit of craftsmanship:Wendy's agency beliefs in teaching..
        6.3.2 Indispensable for teacher development:Wendy's agency beliefs inresearch
        6.3.3 To live,to learn:Wendy's agency beliefs in teacher learning
    6.4 Wendy's agency competence:Her enacted behavior
        6.4.1 Learning and innovating:Wendy's agency competence in teaching.
        6.4.2 Better late than never:Wendy's agency competence in research
        6.4.3 Making the best use of multiple resources:Wendy's agencycompetence in teacher learning
    6.5 Wendy's agency inclination:Her attitudes and emotions
        6.5.1 Commitment and democracy:Wendy's agency inclination in teaching
        6.5.2 Vulnerability and courage:Wendy's agency inclination in research.
        6.5.3 Persistence and optimism:Wendy's agency inclination in teacherlearning
    6.6 Contextual influences on Wendy's professional agency
        6.6.1 Individual dimension:Attributes and capabilities
        6.6.2 Proximal dimension:Significant others
        6.6.3 Distal dimension:Macro-social conditions
    6.7 Chapter discussion and summary
Chapter Seven The Sunshine:Linda's Unremitting Efforts to Boost herProfessional Achievement
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Linda's profile
    7.3 Linda's agency beliefs:Her epistemic cognition
        7.3.1 Language skills plus liberal arts:Linda's agency beliefs in teaching
        7.3.2 Nothing but perseverance:Linda's agency beliefs in researchengagement
        7.3.3 Enough input to ensure output:Linda's agency beliefs in teacherlearning
    7.4 Linda's agency competence:Her enacted behavior
        7.4.1 Multi-dimensional paths leading to innovations:Linda's agencycompetence in teaching
        7.4.2 Personal interests and research gaps:Linda's agency competence inresearch
        7.4.3 Horizon and cooperation through visiting study:Linda's agencycompetence in teacher learning
    7.5 Linda's agency inclination:Her attitudes and emotions
        7.5.1 A dissonant dance of self-efficacy and mid-career burnout:Linda'sagency inclination in teaching
        7.5.2 Confidence,concentration,and cooperation:Linda's agencyinclination in research
        7.5.3 Insights,autonomy,and self-directedness:Linda's agency inclinationin teacher learning
    7.6 Contextual influences on Linda's professional agency
        7.6.1 Individual dimension:Attributes and capabilities
        7.6.2 Proximal dimension:Significant others
        7.6.3 Distal dimension:Macro-social conditions
    7.7 Chapter discussion and summary
Chapter Eight Discussion
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 To infuse practices into aspirations:The manifestation of female EFLteachers'professional agency
        8.2.1 The rhetoric of professional aspirations:Female EFL teachers'agencybeliefs
        8.2.2 The reality of career development:Female EFL teachers'agencycompetence
        8.2.3 The tendency to engage in agentic actions:Female EFL teachers'agency inclination
    8.3 Ideals and interdicts:Female EFL teachers'agency situated in theirprofessional landscape
        8.3.1 Personal attributes and capabilities:An individual perspective
        8.3.2 Interpersonal relations and institutional environment:A proximalperspective
        8.3.3 Society,culture,and the zeitgeist:A distal perspective
    8.4 Female EFL teachers'professional agency:The interaction with theirgendered agency
    8.5 Clusters of female teachers'professional agency:A data-driven model
    8.6 Summary
Chapter Nine Conclusions and Implications
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Major findings of the research
    9.3 Major contributions of the research
    9.4 Limitations and directions for future research
    9.5 Epilogue:An Odyssey of discovery in a qualitative research
Appendix A:The invitation letter
Appendix B:The informed consent form
Appendix C:Sample of the narrative frames
Appendix D:Sample of the concept maps
Appendix E:Sample of the metaphors
Appendix F:Sample of the narrated key events
Appendix G:The interview guide
Appendix H:Sample transcription of the interview
Appendix I:Sample transcription of the classroom observation
Appendix J:Sample of the data analysis protocol
Appendix K:Naming codes for the data collected
Appendix L:Sample of the field note pages
Appendix M:Sample of the netnographic observation




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