
发布时间:2021-07-30 19:51

【文章来源】:东北师范大学吉林省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:202 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Questions
    1.3 Significances of the Research
    1.4 Organization of the Research
    1.5 Summary
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies Related to AND
        2.1.1 Studies on the Nature of AND
        2.1.2 Studies on the Function of AND
        2.1.3 Studies on AND-Connected Coordinate Connections
    2.2 Studies of AND-Connected Clausal Linkage Types
        2.2.1 Multiperspective Explanation of Coordination
        2.2.2 Cosubordination: A Continuum Perspective of Clausal Linkage Types
    2.3 Studies of Clausal Relations
        2.3.1 Theories Related to Clausal Relations
        2.3.2 Studies of Clausal Relations in Writings by CLE
    2.4 Application of the Lexical Priming Theory in Linguistic Studies
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation
    3.1 Theory of Lexical Priming
        3.1.1 Collocation and Priming
        3.1.2 Priming and Other Linguistic Features
        3.1.3 Lexical Priming and Language Learning
    3.2 Lexicogrammatical Cohesive Devices in the Realization of Textual Cohesion
        3.2.1 Reference
        3.2.2 Substitution and Ellipsis
        3.2.3 Conjunction
        3.2.4 Lexical Cohesion
    3.3 A Continuum Classification of AND-Connected Clausal Linkage Types
        3.3.1 A Basic Introduction of Role and Reference Grammar
        3.3.2 Operator Dependency
        3.3.3 Identifying Clausal Cosubordination
        3.3.4 Distinction between Clausal Coordination and Clausal Cosubordination
    3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Research Methodology
    4.1 Sources of Materials
        4.1.1 Materials from CLEC
        4.1.2 BNC as the Reference
    4.2 Data Collection
        4.2.1 Fundamental Linguistic Unit in the Research
        4.2.2 Sampling
        4.2.3 Questionnaire
    4.3 Research Procedure
        4.3.1 Statistical Analysis
        4.3.2 Comparative Analysis
        4.3.3 Qualitative Analysis
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Priming Features of AND in Connecting Clausal Relations by CLE
    5.1 Distribution of AND in Connecting Clauses
    5.2 Distribution of AND-Connected Clausal Coordination and Clausal Cosubordination
    5.3 Colligational Priming Features of AND and Nested Combinations of AND-Connected Clauses in Clausal Coordination
        5.3.1 Colligation of AND Related to the Subjects of the Clauses
        5.3.2 Verb Tenses of the Predicators in AND-Connected Clauses
        5.3.3 Grammatical Colligation of AND with Different Sentence Patterns
        5.3.4 Colligation of the Nested Combinations of AND-Connected Clauses
    5.4 Semantic Association of AND with Other Conjunctions
    5.5 Textual Priming Features of AND in Clausal Coordination
        5.5.1 Textual Collocational Priming of AND
        5.5.2 Textual Semantic Association of AND
    5.6 Pragmatic Association of AND in Clausal Coordination
        5.6.1 Pragmatic Association of Discourse-Initial AND
        5.6.2 Pragmatic Association of AND with Punctuation Marks
    5.7 Priming Features of AND in Clausal Cosubordination
    5.8 Summary
Chapter Six Idiosyncracies of AND Primings in Connecting Clausal Relations by CLE as Compared with Native English Materials
    6.1 Differences in the Distribution of AND in Connecting Clauses and Clausal Relations
    6.2 Idiosyncracy in Colligational Priming of AND in Clausal Coordination
        6.2.1 AND Succeeded by the Subject of the Clause
        6.2.2 Primings of AND with Verb Tenses
        6.2.3 AND with Different Sentence Patterns
        6.2.4 Nested Combinations of AND-Connected Clauses
    6.3 Idiosyncratic Semantic Association of AND in Clausal Coordination
    6.4 Idiosyncratic Textual Collocation of AND in Clausal Coordination
        6.4.1 Textual Collocation of AND with Reference
        6.4.2 Textual Collocation of AND with Substitution and Ellipsis
        6.4.3 Textual Collocation of AND with Lexical Cohesion
        6.4.4 AND-Connected Clausal Coordination without Cohesive Devices
    6.5 Idiosyncracy in the Textual Semantic Association of AND
    6.6 Idiosyncracy in the Pragmatic Association of AND in Clausal Coordination
        6.6.1 The Use of Discourse-Initial AND
        6.6.2 The Use of Punctuation Marks
    6.7 Idiosyncratic Primings of AND in Clausal Cosubordination
    6.8 Summary
Chapter Seven Interpretation of Idiosyncracies in the Use of AND in Connecting Clausal Relations by CLE
    7.1 Partial Knowledge of the Use of AND
    7.2 Induced Primings of AND from English Grammar Books
    7.3 Transferred Primings of AND and Influences of Chinese
        7.3.1 Transferred Primings of AND
        7.3.2 Transferred Primings in Clausal Cosubordination
        7.3.3 Transferred Primings in Verb Tenses
        7.3.4 Transferred Primings in the Use of Punctuation Marks
        7.3.5 Transferred Primings in Clausal Coordination with Symmetric Structures
    7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
    8.1 Main Findings
        8.1.1 Fundamental Priming Features of AND in Connecting Clausal Relations in the Written Materials by CLE
        8.1.2 Idiosyncracies of AND Primings in Connecting Clausal Relations by CLE as Compared with Native English Materials
        8.1.3 Interpretation of Idiosyncracies in the Use of AND in Connecting Clausal Relations by CLE
    8.2 Contributions of the Research
    8.3 Limitations of the Research
    8.4 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix A The Five Hundred Samples from CLEC
Appendix B A Survey of the Use of AND in Connecting Clauses

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