
发布时间:2021-11-19 19:41
  作为交际语言教育法(communicative language teaching,简称CLT)的强化模式(Ellis,2003),任务型语言教学法(task-based language teaching,简称TBLT)教学致力于培养语言学习者的语言交际能力。学习者在聚焦语言意义的活动中,通过完成特定任务,发展自身的语言交际能力(Ellis&Shintani,2013,p.135)。作为一种在全世界范围内被认可的“有效的教学方法”(Robertson,2014,p.188),任务型语言教学法被写入许多国家或地区的英语课程标准,其教学成效在课堂实践中获得持续检验。然而在推广任务型教学的热潮中,我们无法忽视的一个事实是推动这项创新性语言教学法存在一定的难度和阻力(East,2012)。已有研究发现,教师对TBLT原则理解存在的偏差会导致教学活动的设计不符合任务型教学的目标。同时,在课堂教学的实践环节中,教师个人的专业能力也会影响任务型语言教学法的实施。但是我们并不清楚教师会出现何种理解偏差,以及教师的何种专业能力和素养会影响任务型教学的实施。探究这个问题的答案对于针对性地开发语言... 

【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:249 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Orientation
    1.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Overview of the Study
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background
    2.1 Sociocultural Theory
        2.1.1 General introduction to sociocultural theory
        2.1.2 Sociocultural perspectives of teacher learning and teacher education
    2.2 Complexity Theory
        2.2.1 General introduction to complexity theory
        2.2.2 Complex dynamic perspectives of teacher learning and teacher education
Chapter 3 Literature Review
    3.1 The Study of Learning to Teach
        3.1.1 The theoretical perspectives of learning to teach
        3.1.2 The methodology of the studies in learning to teach
        3.1.3 Major findings and issues for further studies
        3.1.4 Summary
    3.2 The Study of Teacher Cognition
        3.2.1 The theoretical perspectives of teacher cognition
        3.2.2 The methodology of the studies in teacher cognition
        3.2.3 Major findings and issues for further studies
        3.2.4 Summary
    3.3 The Study of Task-Based Language Teaching
        3.3.1 The definitions of task
        3.3.2 The types of task
        3.3.3 TBLT framework
        3.3.4 TBLT principles and focus-on-form
        3.3.5 Major findings and issues for further studies
        3.3.6 Summary
    3.4 The Study of Repeated Teaching
        3.4.1 The meaning of repeated teaching
        3.4.2 Major findings and issues for further studies
        3.4.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Research Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Research Paradigm
    4.3 Research Design
    4.4 Research Context
    4.5 The Participants
    4.6 Repeated Teaching as a Researching Method
    4.7 Analyzing framework
        4.7.1 The ratings scale of observation framework for teaching and learning
        4.7.2 Framework of analysis for teachers' behavior
        4.7.3 Framework of analysis for teacher cognition
        4.7.4 Framework of focus-on-form episodes
    4.8 Data Collection
        4.8.1 Classroom observation
        4.8.2 Interview
        4.8.3 Reflective journal
        4.8.4 Teaching designs and resources
        4.8.5 Metaphor construction
    4.9 Data Analysis
        4.9.1 Quantitative analysis
        4.9.2 Qualitative analysis
    4.10 Verification
    4.11 Ethical Considerations
Chapter 5 Findings
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 The Learning Process of TBLT Implementation
        5.2.1 The overall changes in MEd candidates' teaching
        5.2.2 The features of MEd candidates' teaching performance
        5.2.3 Summary
    5.3 The Difficulties and Strategies
        5.3.1 Task design
        5.3.2 Activity management
        5.3.3 Language management
    5.4 Teacher Cognition
        5.4.1 Changes in teacher cognition
        5.4.2 Attitudes towards learning and implementing TBLT
        5.4.3 Metaphorical conceptions of learning and teaching
Chapter 6 Discussion
    6.1 The Learning Process in Implementing TBLT
        6.1.1 The development of pedagogical understanding
        6.1.2 The role of expert teacher educator
    6.2 The Difficulties in Implementing TBLT
        6.2.1 Understanding TBLT principles
        6.2.2 Managing activities/tasks
        6.2.3 Managing classroom interaction
    6.3 The Strategies to Deal with Difficulties
        6.3.1 Learning from repeated teaching
        6.3.2 Reading relevant literature
        6.3.3 Getting feedback from students
    6.4 Potential Constraints in TBLT Implementation
        6.4.1 Traditional cultural values in learning and teaching
        6.4.2 High-stakes assessments and the influence of school culture
Chapter 7 Conclusions
    7.1 Summary of Findings
    7.2 Implications for Teacher Education
    7.3 Implications for the Future Study
Appendix 1 Principles of TBLT
Appendix 2 Practical teaching protocol of KWL
Appendix 3 Practical teaching protocol of Question Master
Appendix 4 Practical teaching protocol of Jigsaw Activity
Appendix 5 Speaking Test
Appendix 6 Metaphor Construction
Appendix 7 A Sample of Metaphor Construction
Appendix 8 The Rating Scale of Teaching Practice
Appendix 9 A Sample of Filed Notes
Appendix 10 Outline of Interview
Appendix 11 Transcriptions of Interviews
Appendix 12 A Sample of Reflective Journal
Appendix 13 A Sample of Teaching Plan
Appendix 14 Transcription System
Appendix 15 The Results of Kendall's W Test (n=24)
Appendix 16 The Results of the Friedman Test

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