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Neuroscience teaching:an integrated approach at the Chinese

发布时间:2016-11-20 10:13



Neuroscience teaching:an integrated approach at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Wing-Ho Yung  

【摘要】:As an important and also expanding field,neuroscience has always occupied a significant portion in the teaching of medical and other paramedical courses in the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK).However,before the curriculum reform of the medical course at CUHK about a decade ago,neuroscience topics were scattered in different traditional courses like anatomy,physiology,biochemistry and pharmacology.Currently,neuroscience as a panel subject of the 'system-based' medical curriculum is now taught as a fully independent course.Teachers of this integrated course come from all disciplines in the pre-clinical as well as clinical departments.The main advantage of this approach is the better integration of different aspects,e.g.anatomy and physiology,of a single topic.Unnecessary repetition and contradiction are avoided.In addition,students will have earlier exposure to clinically related topics.The didactic lectures are integrated with tutorials and laboratory sessions to achieve the best result.

【作者单位】:School of Biomedical Sciences,The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Neuroscience teaching:an integrated approach at the Chinese University of Hong Kong@Wing-Ho Yung$School of Biomedical Sciences,The Chinese University of Hong KongAs an important and also expanding field,neuroscience has always occupied a significant port




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