
发布时间:2018-01-06 00:14

  本文关键词:数字化校园背景下档案管理模式研究 出处:《郑州航空工业管理学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校档案 管理模式 数字化校园

[Abstract]:The university archives is in university teaching, management services, important information form construction management process, record the development of school, the school for academic research, and provide reliable basis for decision-making activities of documents and quality evaluation. At the same time have high cultural value of University Archives resources, embodies the history and culture of the school that is, school characteristics, important information to promote campus culture. In the past due to the paper archives resources occupy a large proportion, so the majority of colleges and universities using the traditional archives management mode. With the arrival of the information age, especially in the construction of digital campus, the more and more electronic documents generated daily management in Colleges and universities in the process of the electronic documents and the paper archives management method is different, so the archives management institutions should change the management idea of the past, re examining the archives work, establish The development trend of archives work, comply with the school development planning archives management mode. Based on the detailed understanding of domestic and foreign about the university archives management mode on the relevant theoretical research, to define the file management mode as the starting point, summarizes the related concepts of university archives management mode, and a detailed analysis of the types, traditional archives management mode is centralized decentralized and centralized, decentralized combined, rules and regulations on connotation, three kinds of management modes of organization, personnel allocation, and advantages and disadvantages are analyzed and explained in detail. This extends to the analysis of the archives management model of digital campus under the background, the author introduces the connotation and architecture of digital campus, analyzes the relationship between the construction of digital campus and the archives work of the digital campus and the background of archives management mode and traditional archives management mode of the similarities and differences, on this basis, detailed introduction Introduces three kinds of archives management mode under the background of the digital campus, namely file generation mechanism custody, archives custody or the combination of the two storage. Finally, a case study, taking Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautics Industry Management archives as an example, through the investigation of the current situation of Zhengzhou Institute of archives management, digital campus construction, explore the archives management mode under the background of digital campus. The main mode for the management of electronic documents, so the electronic document with life cycle theory as the guide, to document integration for the construction principle, put forward detailed maps of the archives management mode. In this mode, according to the division of different roles for three blocks, namely the school archives, file generation mechanism and ordinary users. The model of authority management system, standard system and security system, through the establishment of access control and standardization, in order to ensure the electronic documents is true, effective, Complete, enhance the credibility of electronic documents, improve the efficiency of archival work, conform to the development trend of the school, and integrate the archives work into the construction of digital campus.



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