本文关键词: 双层蜂窝网络 Femtocell 博弈论 收敛速度 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of wireless communication technology and mobile Internet technology, the application of mobile services is becoming more and more complex. Now more and more mobile communication services occur indoors. Therefore, it is very important to improve the quality of service for indoor users. Therefore, the technology of Huo pico-cell / Femtocell is a small indoor base station. It can effectively improve the communication quality of indoor mobile cellular network, and form a double-layer network with the original Acer stations. However, because of the randomness of its location and quantity, the interference control of double-layer network is the most difficult problem. The power control technology of double-layer network becomes more and more important. In this paper, the power control problem in double-layer network is studied, and the basic content of power control algorithm in single-layer network is analyzed based on game theory. The difference between the non-cooperative power control game model (NPG) and the non-cooperative power control game model (NPGP) is verified by simulation. The function of price function in power control game algorithm is explained. Then, the power control algorithm is optimized under the Femtocell bilevel network architecture, and the interference to the macro cell is reduced by the link protection of the macro cell when there are too many Femtocell users. In the process of power control, the price function selection strategy is added to improve the convergence speed of the algorithm. The robustness of the algorithm is enhanced. Firstly, the single-layer network model is established by using matlab simulation tool, and the basic power control algorithm based on game theory is analyzed. Compiles the interactive simulation program; Then a cellular mobile system consisting of a number of Femtocell users and a macro cell user is established. Then the performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by simulation. The following conclusions are obtained by simulation: the algorithm proposed in this paper has faster convergence speed under the premise of ensuring the minimum communication requirements of the users in the macro cell. At the same time, the energy utilization ratio can be maximized within the system tolerance.
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