[Abstract]:Face recognition is the detection, localization and recognition of face in image or video stream. In recent years, because of the rapid development of computer computing speed, image processing technology has better hardware support, and face recognition technology has become a very active research topic in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. Visual communication, intelligent monitoring, public security file management and many other aspects of a wide range of applications. The process of face recognition in a broad sense includes two parts: face detection and location and face matching recognition. In this paper, the research background and current situation of face recognition are reviewed, and the main methods of face detection and recognition are introduced in detail by classification. Then, on the basis of deeply studying the existing algorithms, the algorithm is adjusted and fused, and a face recognition software is designed and implemented. Before face detection, this paper discusses the preprocessing of face image, mainly introduces the gray level transformation and histogram equalization of face image. On the basis of introducing the principle, a static face image is selected to describe the operation effect directly. In the aspect of face detection, this paper adopts the idea of classifier for face detection based on Adaboost algorithm, and regards the problem of face detection as a classification problem with only two classes, that is, the image can be divided into two categories: "face" and "non-face". The face detection software based on Adaboost algorithm is implemented based on the cascade classifier which is trained to the face sample image. The image samples from ORL face database and MIT face database are selected for statistical experiments, and the effect of the number of cascaded classifiers on the detection rate is observed. In the part of face recognition, the principle of NMF algorithm is introduced, and then several improved algorithms based on NMF are introduced. Finally, based on the analysis of the non-negative matrix decomposition and its improved algorithm, the sparse constraint non-negative matrix decomposition algorithm is used to extract the features, and the effect on the face recognition rate is discussed by changing the sparse degree of the base matrix. Experiments are carried out on ORL face database. The experiments of face recognition and detection in this paper and the software presented in the end are implemented on Windows platform and Visual C 6.0 combined with OpenCV. The experimental results show that the detection rate and recognition rate of the algorithm in this paper meet the requirements.
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