
发布时间:2018-02-28 01:55

  本文关键词: 软件测试 变异测试 测试用例生成 变异分支 集合进化 占优关系 占优度 出处:《中国矿业大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Software testing for possible defect detection software, thus improving the quality of software. One of the core issues of software testing is to generate test cases with high quality, so as to detect defects in the software. As a kind of defect oriented testing technology, not only can effectively evaluate the quality variation test of existing test suite, the test case is can generate high quality set, its principle is to kill a certain number of variants. However, lead to high cost of testing for a number of variants, extensive application of this technology in the practical test has been seriously affected. Some test case generation method based on mutation testing, its efficiency is very low, therefore, the method of test case study on the new generation is necessary. Through the reduction of number of variants, also helps to improve the efficiency of test generation. Based on the variation of study to test new measurement Test case generation method, test case generation, has very high detection ability set. Firstly, aiming at the problem of mutation testing case generation, put forward the method of test case generation set. Based on the evolution of the proposed method based on weak mutation testing transformation method, variation before and after the statements together can reflect the necessary conditions of the corresponding kill variants, and the use of conditional statements after the combination of construction branch variation. Therefore, test cases covering the variant branch branch really set, to kill the weak mutation testing criteria. Then the variants, are integrated into the original program branch variation, the formation of the new program to be measured, which will kill the mutation testing problem variants the transformation for branch coverage branch coverage branch variation really test problem. Then, the new program transformation based on the mathematical modeling of the test case generation of new problems For a time, the solution of the model, can generate test cases to kill all variants of the set. Finally, in the ensemble evolution method solving the model, the design of targeted fitness function and evolution strategy. The proposed method can significantly reduce the cost of test case generation based on mutation testing. Then, the new program transformation after the integration of the branch number variation, significantly increases the complexity of the transformed new program, thereby reducing the efficiency of test case generation. To solve this problem, proposed variants of the dominant relationship reduction method. Based on the new program in the modified method, analysis of variation between the dominant branch the relationship, because the coverage is non dominant variation branch of the test case set, can also be covered by the dominant variation of branches, therefore, is the dominant branch variation corresponding variants are redundant, rather than being dominant mutation Variant branch is the corresponding variant after reduction. In the analysis of non dominant mutation branches, construct dominance relationship graph, and use the graph degree of 0 vertices, identification of non dominated variation. Because only non branch coverage is the dominant mutation branch, test case generation set to weak mutation testing criteria kill all variants, therefore, the proposed method can reduce the number of variants, so as to improve the efficiency of test generation. Then, in order to improve the efficiency of the dominant relationship, enhance the practicability of the dominant relationship reduction method based on the statistic variant, dominance analysis method. The proposed method by establishing statistical analysis model, using the test suite of variation the new branch program in automatic detection of dominance relations, and construct the dominant relationship diagram. According to the diagram of 0 dominant degree vertices, non dominant variation was the branch. The corresponding variant variant is after the reduction. The proposed method can automatically detect the dominant relationship, thus effectively reduction variants. Finally, research shows that the test cases with the priority set, the defect detection capability of test cases can give priority to the implementation of strong, thereby reducing the defects of low detection cost in the actual software testing. In view of this, put forward the test test case generation method based on dominance probability. The proposed method put forward the concept of dominant degree, to determine the non dominant branch variation order of dominance degree is equal in value to the non variation branch number of dominant branch variation of dominant, the dominant figure in the corresponding vertex degree; and based on the proposed two dominant strategy. To select the non dominated variation branch, test case generation preferred detection ability strong. In addition, the mathematical model for the test case generation set, design and Implementation The prototype system of set up evolutionary test case generation is introduced, and the use of the system is introduced in detail. The research results enrich the theory of mutation test, reduce the cost of mutation testing, and improve the efficiency of test case generation.



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