
发布时间:2018-07-05 07:04

  本文选题:红外探测器组件 + 杂光抑制 ; 参考:《中国科学院研究生院(上海技术物理研究所)》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The performance of the infrared detector module is easily affected by the stray light in the test or working environment, which further affects the imaging quality of the infrared detection system. In infrared detection system, infrared detector module is the core device of target detection and imaging system, so the suppression of stray light is very important. Aiming at the stray light suppression of multi-band infrared detector module optical crosstalk and focal plane Dewar detector module, a set of infrared small light spot measurement system and a special cold screen point source transmittance (PST) measurement system are developed in this paper. Using these two test systems, we have tested and analyzed the stray light suppression effect of infrared detector module, and put forward some improvement measures. The research results have some significance for engineering application. In this paper, the basic theory of stray light propagation and the research trends at home and abroad are briefly introduced. The propagation of stray light in infrared detection system mainly depends on three factors: bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), geometric composition factor (GCF) and incident radiation flux. Therefore, the suppression is mainly considered from three aspects: radiation background suppression, structural improvement and surface blackening. At present, there are two methods to evaluate the effect of stray light suppression in detector modules: modeling and simulation of stray light software and measurement of stray light parameters. In this paper, PST and optical crosstalk were extracted from the stray light measurement system to evaluate the suppression effect of stray light of infrared detector module. Then the optical crosstalk of multi-band infrared detector modules with different structures is tested and evaluated, and the source of stray light and improvement measures are analyzed accordingly. The multi-band infrared detector module was tested by Fourier response spectroscopy. The suppression of out-of-band stray light was evaluated according to the test results. In order to further study the spatial distribution of stray light in the detector module, the infrared small spot measurement system is perfected, and three key technical problems of high precision alignment and automatic data acquisition of 30 渭 m thin bright strip for weak signal acquisition are mainly solved. The experimental results show that the repeatability of the system is better than 96% and the slit focusing width is about 30 渭 m. In this system, three kinds of multiband detector assemblies, short wave, water vapor and long wave, are tested. The corresponding optical crosstalk evaluation results are obtained, and the optical crosstalk of long wave detector modules with different structures is studied. It is clear that the light absorption region on the side of the laminated electrode structure is the cause of the smaller MTF, and the smaller the distance between the filter and the Guang Min element is, the better the stray light suppression of the detector module is. Finally, the test and evaluation method of stray light suppression for infrared focal plane detector module is studied. The light tracing method is used instead of the complicated formula to calculate the efficiency of the special cold screen and the effect of the cold screen on the uniformity of the focal plane detector is obtained. In order to test and evaluate the effect of abnormal cold screen structure on the suppression of stray light, the PST test system of Dewar cold screen is designed and built to solve the problem of radiation uniformity of the light source in the image plane of the Dewar cold screen PST test system. The curve of the relationship between PST and field of view angle of cold screen with different structures is tested by this system, which is in good agreement with the simulation results of software. Some constructive suggestions on the structure design of cold screen are put forward at the same time.


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