
发布时间:2018-07-06 07:21

  本文选题:显著性目标分割 + 图像分割 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Visual perception plays an irreplaceable role in the knowledge of human access to the surrounding environment, and image is one of the important carriers of visual perception. With the widespread popularity of smart phones, the image resources on the Internet are explosively growing. If we can simulate human visual perception mechanism, the mass picture letter that enters the field of vision Interest automatically finds the most important and most significant part of the process, which helps to break through the bottleneck of information processing, save computing and analysis resources, and improve the speed of information processing. The significant target is the most important and most attractive part of a scene. The significant target segmentation is the most significant target in the input of the picture. A model for accurate segmentation. In recent years, the significant target segmentation model has attracted the great interest of the researchers, and many excellent models and algorithms have emerged. Moreover, the significant target segmentation technology is in robot vision, video security monitoring, target detection and recognition, video compression and coding, motion detection, video target tracking. Based on the study of region based image segmentation, this paper goes deep into the problem of significant target segmentation, and proposes some new algorithms and modes combining the subspace clustering theory, non local anisotropic diffusion equation, flow diffusion and other related theories. This paper mainly includes the following aspects: 1. In the study of region based image segmentation, a new image segmentation model based on sparse and low rank coupling based on non convex semi norm constraints is proposed. Subspace clustering model is introduced into the image segmentation problem, and S1/2 norm is used instead of kernel norm to approximate low rank representation, and L1/2 norm is used instead of L1 norm to approximate sparse representation. It is found that, for the problem of low rank representation and sparse representation, the S1/2 norm and the L1/2 norm are not convex, but they are a better relaxation, and their minimization problem has a closed solution. A valid discrete algorithm is obtained by using the semi threshold operator by the ALM algorithm. A large number of experiments prove the model points. The accuracy of cutting and the robustness to noise.2. further studies the problem of non convex and low rank subspace clustering. Using the rank function in the Schatten-q quasi norm relaxation low rank subspace clustering model, a low rank subspace clustering model based on the Schatten-q regularization is proposed. We prove the optimal solution of the Schatten-q regular minimization problem. By means of a generalized matrix soft threshold contraction operator, the model is solved by the adaptive linear alternating direction multiplier (LADMAP) method. The theoretical analysis shows that the widely used soft threshold (SVT) algorithm and the semi threshold algorithm are two special examples of our new model in q=1 and q=0.5. A large number of experiments prove the effectiveness of our method.3. This paper further studies the problem of significant target segmentation. In this paper, the visual saliency target detection process is modeled as a nonlocal anisotropic diffusion equation, and a two stage salience detection model based on nonlocal anisotropic diffusion equation is proposed. In the first stage, the boundary prior to the full image is carried out with the boundary prior. In the second stage, the value of saliency is spread to the whole image domain. In the second stage of the significant iterative diffusion process, the significant seeds are updated and optimized to eliminate the effect of the wrong seeds. For the solution of the model, a multi direction discrete scheme is proposed to solve the new model. The experimental results show that the new method, both from the subjective analysis and the objective evaluation, has got a good detection effect on 3 common databases through the analysis of the existing significant model based on the existing diffusion thought. It is found that the existing model only takes into account the diffusion strength between point and point, but does not take into account the diffusion direction. This will lead to a larger error in the model detection in the two regions if the characteristics are similar and the categories are different. Based on this observation, the previous model is improved and the non local diffusion tensor is introduced to the model. The diffusion strength is controlled and the diffusion direction is considered at the same time. In the main direction, the diffusion is suppressed to ensure the difference between the background and the foreground; in other directions, the new model improves the diffusion, thus ensuring the similar part as a whole bright detection. A large number of experiments prove that the good performance of the new model is further.5., Wen Li uses multi feature parallel framework to simulate human visual perception mechanism, and proposes a new model of saliency flow based on multi feature fusion. This paper proposes a basic consensus that significant regions in most characteristic channels are considered explicit targets when significant targets are segmented. Based on this consensus, each feature is connected. In the channel, the model is modeled using the method of significant flow diffusion. Then the fusion weight is trained by two programming methods. The final results are obtained by the linear fusion of the adjusted weights. A lot of experiments show that our model has good comprehensive performance.


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