
发布时间:2018-07-07 14:38

  本文选题:非线性非最小相位系统 + 输出反馈控制 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, the design of output feedback controller for nonlinear nonminimum phase systems is studied. At the same time, the history and development of output feedback global stabilization for nonlinear nonminimum phase systems are reviewed. Firstly, a brief review of the research results of Marino and Tomei in 2005 is presented. The results are mainly focused on the global asymptotic stabilization of output feedback for a class of standard nonlinear non-minimum phase systems with output feedback. It is pointed out in this paper that, assuming that the non-minimum phase system is the smallest phase system for a linear virtual output and under a weaker condition (assumption 2.2), by a technical means without filtering transformation, A dynamic output feedback controller with n order instead of n 2 (蟻 -1) order can be found to make the output feedback canonical nonlinear nonminimum phase system globally asymptotically stable. Based on the results, the disturbance suppression problem for a class of nonlinear non-minimum phase systems is also studied, assuming that the disturbance signal is a sinusoidal signal with known frequency but unknown amplitude and phase. Therefore, the signal can be generated by a linear signal generator. Using the nonlinear output regulation theory, it is proved that under appropriate conditions, The global disturbance suppression problem for a class of standard output feedback nonlinear nonminimum phase systems is solvable. Then, the global asymptotic stabilization problem of a class of observable nonlinear systems with output feedback is studied. The nonlinear system has a series structure. It consists of a driven subsystem (or zero dynamic system) and a drive subsystem. In this paper, it is proved that even if the zero dynamic system is unstable, if the zero dynamic system and the drive system have a lower triangular structure and satisfy the linear growth or global Lipschitz condition, Then there exists an output feedback controller which makes the nonlinear nonminimum phase system globally asymptotically stable. The design process shows that the controller is an n-order dynamic output feedback controller. Finally, the global asymptotic stabilization of a class of nonlinear nonminimum phase systems with sampled output feedback is studied. If the global Lipschitz condition is satisfied (the condition of the zero dynamic system can be extended to a linear growth condition) and the whole system has a lower triangular structure, the zero dynamic system (the so-called driven subsystem) and the driving subsystem are satisfied with the global Lipschitz condition (the condition of the zero dynamic system can be extended to the linear growth condition). In this paper, it is proved that the nonlinear nonminimum phase system can be globally asymptotically stabilized by a sampled dynamic output feedback controller composed of a discrete nonlinear observer and a linear controller. The results make it easier to use computers to control them.


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