
发布时间:2018-07-11 18:10

  本文选题:机器学习 + 文本分类 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Data has penetrated into various industries and becomes an important production factor. With the advent of the era of large data, the demand for text information processing technology is increasing, and manual management has not been able to meet the needs of the society. Therefore, the automatic text classification technology has become more and more important and has become a hot spot in the research group. On the basis of the text classification framework, text representation model, text preprocessing, feature selection, feature extraction, feature weighting, text classifier and classification performance evaluation, the text feature weighting and text representation strategy are deeply studied. Two feature weighting algorithms are proposed for balanced data sets, and unbalance data sets are put forward. A feature weighting algorithm is proposed, including three supervised feature weighting algorithms. In addition, an optimal text representation strategy is proposed for the supervised feature weighting algorithm. The results obtained are as follows: 1. the feature weighting algorithm based on category information is used for most text classifiers using vector space model. Feature weighting has always been the bottleneck of classification. The effect of feature weighting directly affects the classification performance of the classifier. Based on the analysis of the traditional feature weighting algorithm, a new feature weighting algorithm is proposed. By converting the features based on the word to the category based feature, the feature dimension of the dataset is reduced from the original thousand dimensions to the universal dimension. The feature representation matrix is no longer a sparse matrix. Compared with other feature weighting methods, this method can not only improve the accuracy of text classification, but also effectively improve the classification speed and reduce the classification time.2. based on the characteristic weighting algorithm based on the class space density. On the basis of the inverse class frequency method in the eigen weighted algorithm, the class space density is introduced, and then the inverse class space density frequency is introduced into the feature weighting algorithm. When measuring the distinguishing ability of the feature, the class frequency is the same, but the frequency of the document is different at the same frequency, which can give different weights to the feature. The method can more objectively reflect the importance of characteristics to the classification, effectively improve the distribution of sample space, make the same class samples more compact, and the different classes of samples are looser. By updating the inverse class frequency parameters in the tf*icf and ICF-based methods into the inverse class space density frequency parameters proposed in this paper, two new ones are obtained. Feature weighting algorithm: tf*ICSDF and ICSDF-based. experimental results show that the feature weighting algorithm in this paper can obtain better text classification performance.3. feature weighted algorithm oriented to unbalance data set, when using the common feature weighting algorithm to weigh the unbalanced data set, often can not achieve the expected effect. Mainly because of the unbalanced data. In this paper, based on the analysis of the characteristics of the data distribution of the unbalance data set, this paper presents a feature weighting algorithm for unbalance data sets. The algorithm combines the probability and the probability of the feature in the positive category document with the two aspects of the probability of the appearance of the character in the negative category document. In the experiment, the proposed tf*WID feature weighting algorithm and four common feature weighting algorithms (tf*idf, tf*ig, tf*chi2 and tf*or) are used on the two unbalanced data sets of WebKB and Yahoo! Answers (100-1000), using the Rocchio classifier and the Rocchio classifier in the experiment. The support vector machine classifier is compared and analyzed in two aspects: the micro average F1 value and the macro average F1 value. The results show that the feature weighting algorithm proposed in this paper can effectively improve the optimal text representation strategy of the classification performance.4. with supervised feature weighting method to analyze the traditional text representation strategy. On the basis of the global strategy and local strategy, based on the vector space model, this paper proposes an optimal text representation strategy for supervised feature weighting methods. The proposed method uses the idea of finding the optimal model on the training set, and can obtain an optimal feature added to the training set from the feature weighted vector of all categories. The weight vector, which is applied to the test set, can finally get the optimal text representation of the test set. On the two data sets (the balanced dataset 20Newsgroups and the disequilibrium data set Reuters-21578), the proposed method is verified. In the experiment, two commonly used supervised feature weighting methods (tf*or and tf*rf) are used for two numbers. According to the feature matrix of the set, the optimal feature weighting vector is found on the training set, and then applied to the test set. Finally, the support vector machine classifier is used to classify them. The experimental results show that the most Youleben representation strategy with supervised feature weighting method proposed in this paper can effectively improve the classification performance.


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