
发布时间:2018-07-12 10:39

  本文选题:虚假信息检测 + 矛盾检测 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The detection of false information in text is one of the hot issues in the field of Natural Language Processing. The purpose of the false information detection is to identify the untrue or incorrect information from the network text. The significance of the false information detection research is to identify false information and unreliable information sources, and to avoid people receiving false information when they know things and shopping. The text information in the network can be divided into objective information and subjective information. Objective information refers to the objective description of things, the real information is unique in the content, and the information contradicting the real information is false information. Subjective information refers to people's subjective feelings or experience experience, and the real information is not in content. Uniqueness. The difference between the authenticity of the subjective information and the falsehood lies in whether it comes from the real user experience. For the false information detection of the objective information and the subjective information, the researchers need to study the detection techniques for the two different characteristics. It is also a valuable research direction to detect false information with external data. In the problem of false information detection, a core problem is how to effectively express the text content and external data of false information. The method based on machine learning is the most widely used in the false information detection task, and the feature is expressed. To a great extent, the performance of the machine learning algorithm is determined. Because the false information comes from the artificial creation, the creator imitates the real information in the content and writing style, making the false information very puzzling. The feature design relies on the expert experience. The strong and puzzling of the false information brings challenges to the feature design. It is able to automatically learn potential regularity features from data and have the ability to process and abstract information. The presentation of learning method has brought new opportunities for the research of false information detection. This subject studies the expression learning method of network text and external data in the background of false information detection so as to improve the detection performance of false information. The research content of the question is carried out from the following four aspects: 1. this paper puts forward the contradiction relationship detection based on the method of dependency analysis and the vector learning of contradictory words. In view of the contradiction between the false information and the content semantics of the real information in the objective information, a false information detection method based on the contradiction detection is proposed. The understanding and detection of contradictory words is a difficult point. WordNet and other lexical resources can not identify the contradictory semantic relations of contradictory words. By learning the specific word vector of the contradiction detection task, this paper applies it to the neural network model and effectively improves the performance of the spear shield detection task, thus identifying the sentences. Paradox relationship and false information.2. this paper puts forward the false information based on the sentence weight to express the false information detection. Because of the lack of evidence, the falsehood of the subjective information is difficult to judge. However, there are some differences between the lies and the real information in the words and sentences, and there are some potential laws and characteristics. The method of using document semantics to express learning is used to excavate the regularity of the internal data. Since each sentence in the information has different importance to the false judgment of information, this paper proposes a false information detection method which combines the sentence weight learning document representation. This method has replaced the traditional feature engineering by means of document representation. Method. Combining the sentence weight calculation with the document representation learning, it effectively improves the detection performance of the system.3.. This paper proposes a false information representation learning method which combines the reliability of the information source to detect the false information. Many information, such as the boarding time of the flight, are encountered in the daily life, and there are different information sources. Because the content of information is simple and simple, the distinction between real information and false information in language, grammar and other text features is small, and it is not easy to detect false information. In this paper, the reliability of the information source is regarded as the external knowledge of the information to be detected, and the reliability of the information source is trusted and the information is trusted by the memory network model. .4. in this paper presents a false information that combines user feedback with a learning method for false information detection. In social media, in the face of a message (such as micro-blog or Tweet), other users will express support, objection or attitude in the forwarding micro-blog of the information. The forward micro-blog, as a user feedback, contains the false judgment of the users' forwarded information. It is an embodiment of group intelligence. This paper uses a representation learning method based on attention mechanism to represent the semantic synthesis of the source micro-blog and the user feedback information. In the model, the attention mechanism is used to automatically be used for users. The weight allocation of feedback information can effectively improve the detection performance of the problem. In general, this paper makes use of the generality of expression learning in semantic representation, and deeply studies the application of the false information detection problem in the different research scenes in the different research scenes, which are the objective information, the subjective information, the combination of the information source and the information source and the user feedback. It is hoped that this study can provide some reference for false information detection and scholars in the field of Natural Language Processing.


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