
发布时间:2018-07-13 21:15
[Abstract]:As a sparse optimization problem in rn space, compressed sensing is aimed at recovering raw data from noisy or partially lost observation data. It has been widely used in signal processing, image denoising, medical imaging and so on. In recent years, compression sensing has been deeply studied and developed rapidly. With the development of modern information technology, the data needed to be stored, processed and analyzed are often large scale, high dimension and complex structure, such as face image, surveillance video, biological information data and so on. Therefore, this paper focuses on sparse optimization problems resulting from the application of compressed sensing to complex high-dimensional data, including sparse solution problems with linear equality and inequality constraints, low-rank matrix restoration problems and low-rank Zhang Liang restoration problems. The relaxation approximation method in compressed sensing is used to solve the NP-hard problem. At present, the algorithm design of relaxation problem has been widely concerned by scholars, but there is not much research on the condition of guaranteeing accurate recovery. In this paper, the exact restoration conditions for the extended sparse optimization problem are systematically studied, and the following results are obtained: 1. Considering the exact restoration condition of sparse solutions of absolute value equations, the equivalent deformation of absolute value equations and bilinear programming is adopted. The problem of solving the sparse solutions of absolute value equations is equivalent to the l0 minimization problem with linear equality and inequality constraints. Based on the analysis of the properties of the range space, the existence and uniqueness conditions of the optimal solution for the convex relaxation of the problem are obtained, and then it is proved that the original problem is equivalent to its convex relaxation under this condition. According to the enlightenment of this research method and the results, we discuss the exact recovery condition of the problem around the sparse optimization problem with linear constraints of general equality and inequality. Some examples are given to verify the correctness of the theoretical results. 2. In this paper, we discuss the exact restoration condition of the low rank matrix restoration problem by non-convex Schatten-p quasi-norm minimization problem, and give a p-RIP condition to guarantee the successful recovery. It is also proved that the p-RIP condition can be encountered with a very high probability by the number of observations. In this paper, three kinds of exact restoration conditions for low rank Zhang Liang restoration problems are generalized to Zhang Liang spaces. Then we consider a low rank Zhang Liang restoration model with both noise-free and noise-free, which is called minimum n- rank approximation, and propose an iterative hard threshold algorithm for solving this problem. It is also proved that the algorithm converges globally linearly at a rate of 1 / 2 under certain conditions for noise-free cases, but the distance between the iterative sequence and the real value in the case of noise decreases rapidly. Numerical experiments verify the theoretical results and show that the algorithm is fast and effective for solving the low nrank Zhang Liang filling problem.


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