
发布时间:2018-07-18 07:46
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet and computer vision, the era of visual information big data is also coming. How to find the needed information quickly and accurately from the massive data related to visual information has become a very meaningful and challenging research hotspot, in which the quality of visual information is the core issue. The quality of visual information directly affects the display of information, the accuracy of retrieval and the possibility of knowledge discovery, and then affects the reliability of artificial intelligence reasoning. In addition, the increasing amount of visual data such as images and videos on social networks indicates that effective retrieval techniques for multimedia data are becoming more and more important. Therefore, this paper focuses on the statistical characteristics of visual information, the design of quality evaluation criteria and visual information based retrieval. The main work and innovations include the following aspects: (1) in order to solve the problem of high complexity, we need to use a large number of subjective evaluation scores to train the existing machine learning-based video quality evaluation methods without reference. A blind video quality evaluation algorithm based on non-subjective training is proposed. The key of this algorithm is to extract the feature vector of video structure by using Gao Si differential filter, and to build a set of multi-level quality perception centers and a codebook of video quality evaluation in spatial domain. Then the threshold of motion vector classification is obtained by clustering algorithm, and then the motion perception factor is obtained. Finally, video objective quality is obtained by combining video spatial perception quality and motion weighting factor. The results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to other non-parametric video quality evaluation algorithms, and the computational complexity is low. (2) the key factors affecting the quality of stereoscopic video users' experience quality are considered synthetically. In this paper, a multi-index evaluation model for the user experience quality of stereoscopic video for network transmission service is proposed. Firstly, four kinds of factors affecting the QoS of stereoscopic video are analyzed. Then the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) is used to analyze all the influencing factors, and the evaluation index system is established. Finally, the weight value of each index is calculated, and the final evaluation model of stereoscopic video QoS is obtained. Through the network simulation experiment and the subjective evaluation value, the influence of each index on the QoS of stereo video in the network transmission is verified. (3) aiming at the large noise and incomplete correspondence between images and texts in social media, This paper presents a social image retrieval model based on hypergraph relevance learning. Based on the hypergraph principle, the model uses visual information features, text information and social relationship information of users to establish multi-type relationships between images. In the learning process of hypergraph, the weight of hyper-edge is updated by selective optimization algorithm, and the influence of each hyper-edge in hypergraph reconstruction is adjusted in real time. In addition, the popularity of the image is used in the reordering of image retrieval. This method can be used in social media interactive platform (such as Weibo) to retrieve the results that meet the user's personalized requirements by using the visual features of images, the auxiliary text information and the relationship between the user's personal data and their interests.


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