
发布时间:2018-07-24 08:06
[Abstract]:With the development of wireless communication technology and pulse technology, the space electromagnetic environment becomes increasingly complex. The electronic devices in the complex electromagnetic environment are vulnerable to electromagnetic interference from the external electromagnetic waves. In order to ensure the normal work of the electronic equipment and better guide the electrical and magnetic protection design of the electronic equipment, a set of calculation model and numerical value are needed. Method to analyze the electromagnetic interference of electronic equipment. At present, it is still very challenging to use numerical methods to analyze the electromagnetic interference problem of electronic equipment. Therefore, a variety of efficient time-domain hybrid algorithms are systematically studied in this paper, which are used for simulation and analysis of field line coupling problems and field road mixing problems in electronic equipment. The main work and innovation points are summarized as follows: first, the fast calculation method for the electromagnetic coupling of long cables on the infinite ground is developed. First, the crosstalk model of the multi conductor transmission line on the ground is established, and the crosstalk response characteristic of the load on the end of the multi conductor interference line is analyzed. Then a long cable excitation on the ground is proposed. The fast calculation method of the excited field avoids the direct modeling of the infinite ground. Then, combining the transmission line equation and the FDTD method, a highly efficient time-domain hybrid algorithm is studied. It can quickly simulate the transient response of the electromagnetic wave coupled to the ground hundreds of meters long cable and occupies little memory, and analyses the long power of the electromagnetic pulse to the ground. The electromagnetic coupling law of the cable solves the problem of the electromagnetic coupling calculation of the long cable with multiple broadband radiation sources at the same time. On this basis, the electromagnetic coupling model of the shielded cable on the ground is set up, the field line coupling algorithm of the shielded cable is studied, and the influence of the grounding state of the shielded cable on the skin current and the response of the core line is analyzed. Two, the efficient time domain hybrid algorithm for electromagnetic coupling of transmission line in the shielding cavity is studied. First, a time-domain hybrid algorithm combined with electromagnetic simulation software and transmission line equation is studied. The electromagnetic coupling problem of electromagnetic wave to the transmission line in the shielding cavity of large size equipment is efficiently simulated. Then a hybrid FDTD algorithm and transmission are proposed. The time domain hybrid algorithm (FDTD-TL algorithm) combined with the transmission line equation realizes the rapid modeling of the structure of the shielding cavity of the equipment and the synchronous calculation of the transient response of the space electromagnetic field and the transmission line. On this basis, the time domain hybrid algorithm of the long cable coupled in the ground and the time domain hybrid algorithm of the transmission line coupling in the shielding cavity of the equipment is modularized and The field line coupling effect simulation software is formed. Three, the large-scale parallel computing of the FDTD-TL algorithm is realized. Based on the parallel adaptive structure network application support software framework (JASMIN) developed by the Beijing Applied Physics and Computing Mathematics Research Institute, the large-scale parallel FDTD algorithm is studied. The 1kW microwave source chassis and the single layer multi-scale architecture are used. The validity of the algorithm is verified by the numerical simulation of the electromagnetic coupling. Then, the FDTD-TL algorithm is combined with the large-scale parallel FDTD algorithm and transplanted into the JASMIN framework to realize the large-scale parallel computation of the FDTD-TL algorithm. The correctness and efficiency of the FDTD-TL parallel algorithm are verified by the corresponding calculation examples, and the high-power microwave source is analyzed. The electromagnetic coupling characteristics of the magnetron leakage to the internal transmission line. Four, the electromagnetic pulse coupling effect and protection of the lumped load line antenna are studied. A new method of FDTD processing in the grid is put forward, which is combined with the thin wire FDTD method to form an efficient time domain hybrid algorithm, and the electromagnetic pulse is simulated on the lumped load line. The coupling of the antenna, the type of the incident electromagnetic pulse and the influence of the pulse width on the current response on the antenna, provide the theoretical basis for the front door protection design of the antenna. Then, a front door protection module is designed for the ultra short wave antenna working in the 50MHz-110MHz. The filter circuit and front door protection module are used by the circuit simulation software. The block circuit is designed and processed into material to be tested to meet the requirement of the target. Five, an efficient field road hybrid time domain algorithm is developed for electromagnetic interference analysis of electronic equipment. A new field path hybrid time domain algorithm is studied with FDTD-TL algorithm and circuit analysis method, which is used for the electromagnetic interference analysis of the connecting wire of electronic equipment. Based on the de Venan equivalent theorem, the equivalent circuit model of the electromagnetic coupling of the through wire is studied. The analysis of the electromagnetic interference is carried out by the state variable method. The correctness and efficiency of the algorithm are verified by the corresponding numerical examples, and the method is applied to the filtering protection of the connecting wire of the electronic equipment. A new kind of time-domain S parameter cascade technology is proposed. A new kind of field path hybrid time domain algorithm is studied with FDTD-TL algorithm, which is used to analyze the electromagnetic interference of the internal transmission line network of electronic devices. The transmission line network is decomposed into two parts of the transmission line and the circuit according to the S parameter cascade technology in the time domain. The effect of the circuit on the transmission line is equivalent by the S parameter, and the field line coupling is simulated by FDTD-TL algorithm for the transmission lines of each segment, thus the transient response of the transmission line network is obtained. The correctness and efficiency of the algorithm is verified by the corresponding numerical examples.


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