
发布时间:2018-07-25 14:17
[Abstract]:Cloud storage is an important service in cloud computing that allows data owners to host their data in a cloud server and provide data access to users through the network. Through the outsourced service of this data, it can bring a lot of convenience to the data owners: 1) reduce storage management pressure; 2) reduce storage hardware and software and data dimension. At the same time, cloud storage also brings new security problems. When data is stored in the cloud, the security is highly dependent on cloud service providers. In fact, cloud service providers are not completely trusted. First, natural disasters, hardware failures, and software reasons. Barriers and hacker attacks inevitably cause data loss. Secondly, cloud service providers may take untrusted behavior for data owners' data, such as saving storage space by discarding data that is not or rarely accessed, or concealing data damage events to maintain their reputation. The integrity of data owner data is not guaranteed. The integrity verification method based on the traditional signature or message validation code needs to download all the original data from the cloud server first, and then verify the correctness of the corresponding signature or message authentication code. In the cloud storage environment, the method is very inefficient because of the large amount of data. The third party audit method is the research hotspot in recent years. The data owner blocks the data file and calculates the corresponding data labels for each data block. The data block and label are stored in the cloud. The auditor checks the integrity of the data by sampling the matching of the part of the data block to the label. The advantages are: 1) no need to download all the original data.2) to delegate the audit to the auditor, reduce the burden of the data owner.3) to provide a fair and credible audit result for the data owner and the cloud server. In the third party audit process, the auditor must be blinded on the premise that the data is not available. Otherwise, it will bring new security issues to the owner's data. When many users in the group can access and modify the same data file in the cloud, the integrity audit of shared data is faced with new challenges, such as identity privacy protection and user revocation. Data owners are concerned with their data integrity. At the same time, cloud service providers also pay attention to storage efficiency. When considering duplication of data deletions and integrity audits, the integrity audit of heavy censored data faces new challenges, such as repeated data deletions and repeat label deletions under the case of ciphertext, and how to carry out integrity audits after heavy censoring. When inspecting the cloud end When data is destroyed or lost, data owners are more concerned with whether the data being destroyed or lost can be repaired. When considering the integrity audit of the regenerated code storage data, it faces new challenges, such as the integrity audit and error location of the distributed storage, the pollution attack of the repair process, and the support for the update of the coded data. This paper studies the audit of data integrity in the cloud storage from four aspects, such as personal data, shared data, ciphertext censored data and regenerative code storage data, and puts forward the different key problems in different cases. The main work of this paper can be summarized as follows: (1) a blind audit method of personal data integrity based on bilinear map encryption is proposed. First, the framework of the personal data blind audit scheme is designed and the corresponding definition is given. The definition is composed of 5 algorithms. Using the properties of the bilinear pairing, the data evidence and the label evidence are encrypted and consolidated on the cloud server side. The present auditor performs a blind audit without knowing the content of the data. Secondly, the efficient index mechanism is designed to support the data updating, so that the data update operation does not lead to a large amount of additional computing and communication overhead and realizes the dynamic audit. Finally, the different methods of aggregation of evidence are designed to support multiple audit requests. The batch audit of multi cloud server multiple files makes the communication overhead of batch audit unrelated to the number of audit requests. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the method is proved to be safe. Compared with the existing schemes, the proposed scheme effectively improves the audit efficiency. (2) a kind of shared data integrity based on proxy re signature is proposed. The framework of the blind audit scheme of the shared data is designed and the corresponding definition is designed. The definition is composed of 6 algorithms. Combining the characteristics of the shared data, the identity privacy protection and the user revocation problem in the audit process are focused on. The proxy resignature method is used to calculate the label evidence when the labels of other users are transferred. This method also makes the audit cost unrelated to the user data. This method also implements the user direct revocation without recalculating the label of the revoked user's signature. Detailed security analysis shows that the scheme of this chapter is proved to be safe. Compared with the existing scheme, The efficiency of audit and user revocation is improved. (3) a blind data integrity audit method based on agent re encryption is proposed. The framework of the blind audit scheme of ciphertext re censoring data is designed and the corresponding definition is given. The definition is composed of 7 algorithms. In the same framework, the repeated data deletion of the client ciphertext is realized. And cloud data integrity audit. Using the agent re encryption method, there is no restriction on the encryption key of the owner. A new label generation method is designed to realize the tag deletion, which makes the storage cost unrelated to the number of the owners. At the same time, the auditor can verify the integrity of the deleted data on behalf of the owner of the data. The detailed security analysis shows that the scheme of this chapter is proved to be safe. Compared with the existing schemes, it improves the efficiency in audit and censoring. (4) a blind audit method of data integrity for regenerated codes based on incremental matrix is proposed. The framework of the regenerated code storage number based blind Audit Scheme is designed and the corresponding definition is given. The definition is composed of 10 algorithms. The auditor can not only verify the integrity of the data stored on different servers, but also quickly locate the wrong server. The integrity check is carried out to prevent the cloud server from launching pollution attacks. In order to support the dynamic audit, the incremental matrix and index machine are proposed. The data update method makes the data update without the need to re download and code the cloud data. Detailed security analysis shows that the scheme is proved to be safe. The experimental results verify the efficiency of the scheme.


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