
发布时间:2018-07-26 09:34
[Abstract]:Context aware recommendation research has been very popular in the field of recommender systems in recent years, because this kind of recommendation system can better accomplish personalized recommendation tasks by mining context information. Context information and two core entities (users and items) in the recommendation system are closely linked. From this perspective, context information is the same. It can be called attribute, mainly including user properties and item attributes. The technology of modeling around attributes is constantly developing and changing day by day. However, the attribute modeling in context recommendation still faces these problems: (1) existing methods are not flexible enough to deal with attributes; (2) existing attribute interaction models are too complex and not targeted. (3) different recommendation tasks have different requirements for attribute modeling; (4) general recommendation algorithms are greatly influenced by the properties of different fields; (5) there is a great difference in the impact of different records on user preferences. In this paper, this paper proposes the two strategies of attribute promotion and preference integration to optimize context awareness recommendation. First, attribute lifting technology The two tasks in the recommendation system can be completed respectively. Secondly, the preference integration method can improve the prediction results on the basis of the attribute promotion; finally, the preference integration can be improved into a comprehensive recommendation framework to complete the general recommendation task. The specific research work is as follows: (1) the score prediction is used as the following. Local promotion and preference integration of tasks are based on attribute lifting. Local lifting technology completes attribute interaction through three angles of user, item and attribute type. Local learning strategy based on gradient descent and sampling technique can effectively train the lifting framework and complete the partial integration of the three angles and form a local. Preference prediction. The partial promotion based preference integration method uses a gradient lifting tree to achieve a variety of preference integration to get the overall interest of the user. Local preference, together with the overall interest, can generate a final score prediction value. Experiments show that the simple partial preference pretest is better than the popular context method (such as the decomposer). More accurately, and after adding the overall preference, the accuracy of the score prediction has been further improved. (2) the main idea of global promotion and preference integration for the task of the item recommendation is to reduce the negative impact of the attribute modeling on the specific domain through the attribute neighbor. First, the similarity property is calculated by calculating the similar attributes. The household attributes neighbors and property neighbors; then, the attribute neighbors are integrated individually to realize the domain independence of the attributes. Finally, three new interactive methods are proposed to complete the global item recommendation. In order to improve the global item recommendation, the preference integration uses the local low rank approximation technology to give each neighbor a flexible weight. It is used to express its contribution and carry out the recommendation of multi neighbor integration and interaction. The experiment verifies that the global lifting technique is less vulnerable to specific domain interference. After adding global preference integration, the performance of the model has a more obvious advantage than the advanced item recommendation (such as the point to tensor decomposition). (3) synthesis based on partial learning. The preference integration framework is different from the two type of preference integration technology based on attribute promotion. The integrated preference integration method focuses on the allocation and modeling of records. The core of this framework is the partial learning strategy, which is completed by the three orderly steps of recording division, preference mining and preference integration. The original record is divided and the group preference is generated. Then, a lightweight regression model is established to capture the local preference of a specific user in the group. Finally, the overall preference of the user is obtained through the integration of the group preference and local preference, and a comprehensive preference integration recommender is realized. The granularity of the model is adjusted alive, and the comprehensive preference recommender can adapt to different data sets to achieve the best performance. Moreover, the framework can complete two recommended tasks with higher accuracy. In summary, by proposing attribute lifting and preference integration strategies, this paper optimizes the context aware recommendation with a variety of formulas and completes the recommendation system. This is the two main task in the field. This is a new attempt at attribute modeling and preference prediction, which provides a way of thinking for deeper user interest. Therefore, this topic has great theoretical research value and positive practical significance.


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