
发布时间:2018-07-27 13:59
[Abstract]:Associated imaging has developed rapidly over the past more than 20 years. At the beginning of the birth of associated imaging, it was believed that its physical nature was based on the non local correlation of two photons. However, the subsequent study showed that the pseudo heat source could also achieve associated imaging, making the associated imaging a step forward. The associated imaging uses a common hot source or a pseudopotential. The active illumination of the heat source has the advantages that the traditional imaging detection means do not have, such as the small limitation of the working band, the far distance, the miniaturization and the strong applicability of the complex environment. The associated imaging is rapidly becoming a laser radar and space remote sensing because of its strong ability to resist atmospheric turbulence and not limited by the limit of Rayleigh diffraction limit. However, there are still many problems in the related imaging system, such as the slow imaging speed of the two-dimensional correlation imaging, the reduction of imaging resolution by the influence of atmospheric turbulence and the lower precision of the three-dimensional correlation imaging, which greatly restrict the practical application of the closed imaging laser radar system. The information of the target is relatively simple at present. Most of the existing related imaging systems can only get the intensity information and distance information of the target. In the complex detection environment, only the information of the two dimensions can not be effectively measured on the target. It is necessary to measure the multi-dimensional information of the target, such as polarization. In view of the problems facing the associated imaging system, it is necessary to carry out the related research on the enhancement of related imaging performance and broaden the measurable information dimension of the associated imaging system, so that the dimensions of the associated imaging system can be measured from two-dimensional, three-dimensional information to multidimensional information. This paper first analyzes the influence of the imaging resolution on the imaging system of 2D associated imaging system under the presence of turbulent atmosphere, and derives the imaging formula of the system under the turbulence atmosphere. Secondly, it is proposed that the hyperbolic cosine Gauss beam can be used instead of the traditional Gauss beam, and then the 2D associated imaging laser ray can be improved. Through numerical simulation, it is proved that using the hyperbolic cosine Gauss beam instead of Gauss Schell beam as a light source can improve the imaging resolution of the system. In addition, a multi wavelength correlation imaging system is proposed to solve the problem that the imaging speed of 2D associated imaging system is slow. The system is used to modulate the light field of the light spot. The system sampling number in unit time is improved, and the imaging speed of 2D associated imaging lidar is improved. The effectiveness of the multi wavelength correlation imaging system is proved by experiments. Based on the research of the range accuracy of the 3D associated imaging, based on the formula of 3D correlation imaging ranging based on the centroid algorithm and the expression of distance precision, The influence of the number of intensity image slices on the ranging accuracy of the 3D associated imaging system is analyzed. It is found that the number of slices can not improve the distance accuracy by simply raising the number of slices. There is a so-called best slice number. When the number of intensity images is higher than the best slice number, the distance precision of the 3D related imaging system will be reduced. In this paper, the 3D correlation imaging of the best slice method is proposed. The correlation experiments of 3D associated imaging with the best slice number method are carried out, and the result of the distance image obtained by the 3D correlation imaging system based on the traditional method, the centroid algorithm and the best slice algorithm is compared. The distance mean square error is used to quantitatively compare the distance precision of the three methods. In the case of low sampling rate of the data acquisition system, the range resolution of 3D associated imaging is low, the heterodyne 3D correlation imaging system is designed. The system uses heterodyne to measure the distance information of the target. The system uses continuous wave laser as the light source and the intensity of the light field with the electrooptic crystal. After modulation, the intensity distribution of the light field is further modulated using a spatial light modulator. The intensity of the reflected light from the target is received by the single point detector. The reflection echo intensity signal obtained by the single point detector is related to the time correlation of the modulated signal loaded on the electro-optic crystal, thus obtaining the target. The intensity distribution of the measured target reflected light field is related to the spatial distribution of the light spot modulated by the spatial light modulator. The intensity distribution information of the target can be obtained. The distance image of the target can be obtained by combining the distance information and the intensity distribution information. The distance resolution of the system is analyzed and its distance is found. The detection rate is not affected by the sampling rate of the data acquisition system and is only related to the modulation bandwidth of the modulated signal in the electro-optic crystal. The simulation results show that the distance resolution of the distance image obtained by the heterodyne 3D associated imaging system is better than the distance resolution of the traditional 3D associated imaging system when the sampling frequency is the same. In order to solve the problem that the traditional correlation imaging system can not distinguish the different material targets with the same reflectivity, the traditional 2D imaging system is improved, and the polarization correlation imaging system is proposed. The system can measure the polarization information of the target, and the polarization distribution of the reflected light of the target object through the imaging mode of the associated imaging. The polarization chromaticity value is introduced to describe the polarization characteristics of the target reflected echo light field. The polarization correlation imaging system can obtain the polarization image of the target by simulation experiments, and the correlation imaging system can be applied to the discrimination of the target material.


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